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Circlets over top of hair?


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I've been Googling and trying to find out the answer for a few hours now but I can't for the life of me figure it out, so I'm resorting to making my first post on here. Apologizes if this is in the wrong spot or I do anything wrong.


I had a character that a circlet, when I equipped it on her, would appear over her hair. Now whenever I put the circlet on, it hides underneath. I have no idea what changed, if it was a mod or a load order issue, but I can't get it to where it appears over the hair again. I looked in the Creation Kit but I couldn't even find the circlet she wore, and even if I did I would have no idea what to even look for or change. Here are some pictures to show before and after. I'm not sure how to post my load order or mod list, but I hope you guys may have an inkling of an idea anyway. The only mod I have that changes circlets is Wear Hoods With Circlets, but I disabled it and it didn't fix or change anything so that's not the issue. Before I had a few face graphics installed at once, but I recently downgraded to just one but that shouldn't be the issue I wouldn't think.








It's honestly driving me crazy. I tried looking for an answer or mod to fix it, but the only thing I found was a Steam forum post from three years ago that had no replies to it. I really, really want it to be visible again D:

(And yes I'm aware of the horrible neck seam, I just don't like the body mods due to their content so I don't use them, I usually have armor or robes that cover the seam, out of sight out of mind haha)

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If the circlet is not visible but still equipped then you have something else equipped that uses a different body slot as its main slot but also has the same slot as the circlet.


Try removing all other items to see if the circlet becomes visible. If it does, then you can put items on one at a time until you find the one that makes the circlet disappear. If it doesn't, then it might be possible that an actual body part has been modified to use the same slot as the circlet.

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I removed every item she was wearing save for circlet, and it was still under the hair and barely showing. How do I find out if a mod is using the same slot? Will I have to disable my face / hair mods and see if one of them was the issue, or is there possibly an easier way? I had added a few in such as a scar mod, a new hair one, and etc so maybe one of them is conflicting somehow.

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If the circlet is showing with the hair to any degree, then it isn't a problem of body slots. Perhaps the hair mesh or even the circlet has been changed in size or position. Only thing you can really do at this point would be to determine what mod(s) affect the hair or circlet and try various combinations of active and inactive to see if you can restore the behavior you wish.

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It's the same hair I've been using since making her, pretty much. And like I mentioned the only circlet mod I have is the mod that allows them to be worn with hoods. I don't think I added or changed anything that altered sizes or positions, but as I only use circlets on her so I wouldn't have known there was an issue until now, since I haven't played her in a little while. And unless Immersive Armors is somehow interfering, I'm not sure what else it could be. I guess I'll have to experiment with disabling any mod I can think of and testing it on a new save and seeing if I can somehow figure it out.


I have a starting point now, thanks for all the help!

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