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A simple "Sell one item" button.


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I've been looking around for a little while, and can't find any mod with a button, preferably keybinding, to sell one item at a time. I want to more quickly and easily raise my speech skill, and finding the right spot, click, click, E, is not really cutting it. Is there already a mod that covers this I haven't found? I'm not using SKSE yet, but for this I'll get it. I am finding other cool stuff that uses, just haven't gotten around to messing with it yet.

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Sell one item at a time? Are you referring to when you have a stack of items and it pops up asking you how many to sell? You want that simply removed and only sell one instance at a time?


If so, SkyUI has an option to change the quantity before being asked about stacked items. Setting it to 0 disables the pop up and makes you "handle" each instance of an item individually.

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Well, damn, if it's really that simple, no wonder no one has bothered with a mod! Thanks for the help, I'll check it out and see if it works. I may have to reinstall the game outside Program Files, I know that makes some mods act strange, or not even work, but I'll sure check it out.


Update: Did download and install, no problems, and did exactly what I wanted. Plus the new interface makes lots of other things easier, especially finding items in my inventory I do NOT need to be holding onto. Finally sold a bunch of arrows (over 700 Dwarven arrows, plus others) to get another point in speech that would have taken me a LOT longer. Thank you very much, IsharaMeradin, This turns out to be one of the most useful mods already.

Edited by KZadBhat
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