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Appropriate New Weapon Stats?


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I'm planning to add a custom model to the game as a new weapon in a shop, but I can't image what would be an appropriate price or stats for it. I want people to use it, but to not feel under/overpowered and ruin there character. Obviously this is a tricky subject as a users character level/skills can range from 1-50+


Any ideas?

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I would check here, at UESP wiki. They have a fairly complete list of weapons with damage weight and value added in.


That should help you decide what the values should be based on what the "Lore" behind your weapon is.


Be sure to post a link to DL it when it's done.



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Safe bet for a powerful/good weapon but not OVERpowered is to base it off deadric stats, maybe lower weight a little, and increase the price or crafting requirements. Personally, I don't get too excited about the damage stats and care more about how the weapon looks. I'm rocking an enchanted Nord Hero axe and Scimitar set and loving it. Deadric is ugly, Ebony isn't quite as ugly... I hate when the high-end weapons look like dragon turds.
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Another thought I had:


You can also try editing the attack animation multiplier. (Means Speed.)


That can add a different value to an item besides just flat hit power.


If you don't know how to do it, just ask, I can explain.



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