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G.E.C.K. Deletes Cells Whenever I Close the Program


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I'm trying to create a mod for Fallout New Vegas, and I added an NPC to an existing map that gives you a quest. Then, I went and duplicated the Vault 74 cell, deleted everything, and started making my own Vault. Then, even after I saved, when I quit the program, it deleted the whole cell. This also happened when I closed the program after saving while I was doing the tutorial as well. Is it an issue with the particular cell I duplicated, or is it a problem with the G.E.C.K.?



- Jake

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Create a new cell from the Cell dialogue instead of duplicating one, that's the only bad practice in Beth's tutorial as it will cause issues down the line. It shouldn't delete anything unless there was some serious error in the plugin.

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I've copied cells before and it should generally work. I don't know why your GECK deleted yours. Did you somehow accidentally mark the cell for delete while you are deleting stuff? The GECK will still let you delete and add stuff to the cell even though it's marked for delete, but when it saves it will delete the cell.


If you want to create a new vault, I wouldn't copy one of the existing vaults. If you do it right you shouldn't end up with a deleted cell, but you will often run into other problems. If you want to use something like the vault entrance to make it easy on yourself, just block copy and paste that part into your new cell.

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