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Patch has killed textures


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After 1.3 my textures are all turned to garbage. Every texture in the game looks like it's been set to low, the plants don't disappear when I pick them, shadowmere is see through, and I'm getting a lot of shadow and texture flicker.


I'm running:


Windows 7 64x

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5970


intel i7 processor


(My laptop is the g73 jh from Asus)


Anyone have any idea?

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I'm only running two mods: killable children and lost art of the blacksmith. I'll try it with those disabled.


If it is a borked ini folder, exactly how do I do an ini refresh? I've seen a lot of talk about it but I want to fully understand it before I go deleting stuff. Do I just delete the skyrim.ini or the skyrimprefs.ini?

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Actually, it only partially fixed it. Now I've got horrible lag and I run terrible terrible fps in cities and caves. Also, some textures are still set to low, but some are set to high. Parts of the environment are low, while characters are set to high. Why did the game run so well before I downloaded the patch and the latest video drivers?
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