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Skyrim freezes after loading


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Hi Guys


Since 3 weeks ago i discovered the enjoy of modding Skyrim. So i started with the Realvision Mod and i followed the install instructions on the mod page. After i complete every step of the ENB installation i checked it and it was looking awesome but i encoutered a lot of stutter, so i search for information about that and i manage to fix it with some mods (see attachment). in the meanwhile i installed some armor-weapons mods, and of course all the other nice looking mods for players. (see attachment) . after all the installations of the mods including tearing mods, memory mods ect, i started playing and it was running okay, little stutter and tearing what keeps annoying me, so i looked up for solutions on the internet again and i downloaded and install the ENBBOOST 5.0 and since that time it freezes up after loading. I uninstall this mod and reset my skyrimprefs.ini, skyrim.ini and my Enblocal.ini manually (see attchament) but still freezes. So im turning to you guys for a solution. did i miss anything? i hope someone got the anwer :smile:


PC Specs:


Intel® Core I5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz

RAM 8Gig

Videocard: Asus R7370 series 4Gb




Edited by Vijin12
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Your GPU is not very strong and ENB configurations are very demanding. Did you keep Depth of Field on for the ENB? Are you using the Full Version, or the Performance Version? I would recommend not using ENB Depth of Field, and to use the Performance Version with your GPU.

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Thanks for your reply!


I re-intalled Realvision, this time i selected option B perf for Elfx. i changed the Dept of Field to [imagespace]

bDoDepthOfField=0. I started the game and this time 5sec in game i got an CTD. I tried setting up a new game, same story. :sad:

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I can only assume you installed it wrong. RealVision has an installer, so it should have an option to disable DoF in it. Delete every file you have on your computer that has to do with ENB and RealVision and start over. I can only assume something went wrong before, that should fix it. If not, maybe a video tutorial will help. I sadly am not familiar enough with ENB installation to feel comfortable giving you the instructions myself.

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you where right!


i Reinstalled it but i forgot to execute RV_launcher. So after that i started the game (again no ENB message in me upper left corner) and my previous

save game is crashing but i started a new game and it looks still awesome and untill now no CTD's. But i dont know if ENB is running? I guess so because

everything looks pretty much the same as the full version only less dep and no stutter or tearing. :smile: so if it stays like this im happy with the results!


Thanks again for your lead on this!! :smile:

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