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Play chess against your wife.


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I've a little Idea for a new mod, i think it should be funny to do something

more after you get married in the game, like playing a boardgame like chess

with your wife, inside of the game.


May be using flash / scaleform by adding a new item to data/inventory section

started ingame using an entry in a dialog with your wife like "Would you like to play chess with me ?".


The problem is that ive no idea how to code in flash, and how to get it in the game,

maybe someone likes the idea and is doing this task :dance:

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It would be insanely difficult to get a flash game into Skyrim. If that were possible, even, we'd be seeing a LOT of crazy stuff.


However I'm sure that there's a more intuitive way, especially with the little puzzles we've been seeing. A full-sized chessboard with static objects is very possible, for instance. Even the map tables ingame you often see, where the flags are activators and clicking them update the map. You could edit the texture of the map on the table to be a chessboard, and replace the little flags with pawns and chess pieces. That's the easy part, it would even be pretty straightforward to assign pieces to the squares.


The hard part though is the chess algorithm. Think about it. How does a computer decide which piece to move?

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I like the general concept of playing games with your wife but I dont think anyone is going to program chess playing AI for a skyrim mod. Maybe tic tac to... can we start there? I think the whole marriage thing in skyrim is very sterile and needs to be completely revamped. I was one of the few who got excited when I heard about it being in the game but it feels like bethesda kinda said f*** it.
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