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But Ben, there is more to it than that. I read the install instructions in the Read Me and it says:

Copy obse_1_1.dll, obse_1_2.dll, obse_1_2_416.dll, obse_editor_1_0.dll, obse_editor_1_2.dll, and obse_loader.exe to your Oblivion directory. It doesn't say anything about the "src" folder that is also included and I have no idea what that is. I always do exactly what the Read Me installation instructions say, I've learned the hard way that you should. I know I don't need the Read Me and the other Text documents in there too, so I just keep them in a separate folder for future reference. So, what do I do with this "src" folder? Do I just drop it in the Oblivion/ as well? I won't install OBSE until I know what to do with everything included.


'src' folder contains program source code, and it isn't needed at all if you just it.(unless you want to see C++ code and doing something with it)

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like LFact says, the src folder is not needed, just the ones listed in the read me. The rest are for developers that want to see the actual code used not for users that just want to use OBSE to run mods.


LFact is one of the good guys here. He gives good advice.

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My apologies. Lfact is one of the good gals here, She gives good advice.


Unlike real life, there is no way to tell a person's gender unless there is some hint. I now have my hint and will not forget.

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