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APB Reloaded


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I have played it for 2 days now and I'm loving it so far. The game consists of 2 sides, the vigilantes (cops) and the gangs.

I went in as a gang member and I'm liking the way you play a gta/saints row styled game on a multiplayer level.

I've been burgling stores with cars, stealing their contents and selling it off to fences quite a lot. It even has the element that if you stash your car too much (or a particular truck) it'll slow down the car and fill up.

The 'fun' part from being MMO is that other people smash your car, might even steal your van filled with stolen goods or either help instead. The second (actually first) element, the quests, is also fun and the end is that you'll only start then once you're saying your ready, else it's freeroaming for ya. The quests are neat most of the time, particularly the ones where your side of people would call for your help if they are getting overwhelmed by the other side, adding some bigger team gameplay. Groups aren't saved, but clans are..so you can quickly find each other in the game. It still has some bugs here and there and some weird car control system, usually connection wise and sometimes on markers, other than that it's a nice 'free' game with ofc a premium feature that makes things go twice as fast.


Till the 19th of december you get free premium for 10 days.



Anyone else that has picked up the game?

Edited by Pronam
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Played it for about 10 hours. Decided it wasn't worth my time.

Not quite GTA online. Good premise, bad application. Game suffers from "Pay to Win" syndrome, bad mission matching, and difficult to use aiming so you can't tell if you're going to be shooting into a wall or not. If newbies being matched 2-3 against seasoned players wasn't bad enough, you often have to run clear across town to get to the objective.


Person who thought up the idea of rental weapons should be shot, once every 10 days. This one feature reduces all progression solely to how much money you have once things have been unlocked.


Movement is horrible. You can hop over fences like nothing, but walls which are shorter totally block your movement. Bad on it's own, unforgivable when 80% of the combat environments have places that you should be able to jump over, but can't.


Despite rather picky Punkbuster settings, there are many people who seem to use hacks in this game, greatly stacking odds in their favor. Added to the other issues it makes the game feel limiting.


The few moments of actually managing to shoot someone aren't worth the clearly lopsided teams, broken economy, or weapon rental system. Driving around town stealing stuff loses it's appeal when you have people who are magically able to track you down and suddenly drop a team of 4 on top of you. And in contrast, you can't earn much as a cop because almost nobody commits crimes that you can see because there are people driving around with radar and super-speed cars able to quickly find and outgun them with impudence. Repeatedly being matched 1 vs 3 (with no option for backup for some unknown reason) against two people with sniper rifles and 1 with shotgun, all higher rank, with the mission objectives more than 600m away, with many places in the city being totally void of traffic, kinda leaves you with a bleak impression of the game.


Then there are ghost (white name) players who purposely grief what they can. Either they're constantly driving into you, shooting at you while other people are shooting at you, or are just jumping around being assholes. Lost a delivery mission because one of them thought it funny to ram my car and flip me.


So, giving this one a big old pass.

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Just came back from trying it.


I hardly know where to begin, anyone who's read one of my previous posts will know I'm a harsh critic of rushed games, but fair. Frankly though this for this one game, I'm not ever going to try to be fair. It's terrible. Frankly, honestly, there is only one redeeming feature in this miserable little wretch of a game, and that's the quit button. A button I sincerely hope you find quickly if you're unucky enough to try it.


This "game" is bad beyond words-I've seen MMOs done wrong before, like Tabula Rasa or any of a hundred, million hacker-and-spammer-infested WoW-Clones made in a shed in southern asia, but this one, this one's a whole new kind of abysmal. I was pretty spoiled this year, the worst game I played was simply a tie-in done right, and there were a lot of games that defied my every expectation, but, all good winstreaks end, and the end often comes with a thump, like falling down an air-vent. This is that thump, and probably the nineth worst game I've played since 2005.

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The reason most people become criminals on that games is because it's so hard for cops to actually get anywhere. I played it for a few days, but to be honest, it's probably the worst MMO I've ever actually tried bothering to play. The game is horribly one sided, has crap gunfighting, terrible vehicle handling (it's server side controlled) and so much more I can't explain.


It's actually that bad that when the company that made it set it to costing around £20-30, it scored so few sales the company collapsed. Even in F2P, it still doesn't have that much of a good userbase.

Edited by McclaudEagle
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Just came back from trying it.


I hardly know where to begin, anyone who's read one of my previous posts will know I'm a harsh critic of rushed games, but fair. Frankly though this for this one game, I'm not ever going to try to be fair. It's terrible. Frankly, honestly, there is only one redeeming feature in this miserable little wretch of a game, and that's the quit button. A button I sincerely hope you find quickly if you're unucky enough to try it.


Nah, to be fair, the character creation is pretty in depth and is better than most MMOs, Skyrim, Saints Row, and several others. Music isn't too bad either... It's just the gameplay that is utter s***. It has the potential to be good, but most of those things I already mentioned just drag it down to hell and keep it there. Something as simple as allowing for permanent weapons of each type, but rental versions which are slightly better would make such a huge difference. Something as simple as making the matchmaker only look for people of similar ranks and make a minimum of 2 from each side before starting would also make a huge difference.


But, the game is pretty much set in stone as being "pay to win", so even the more simple things won't ever happen.

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I just came back from trying it. Screw that s***. I've got a slower internet connection, but it's fun for all MMOs I've tried so far. This game, however, is unplayable. Driving takes about 4 seconds to respond when I press a key to turn or the handbrake, so cars are absolutely unplayable. Gunplay is understandably just as impossible. Areas take anything between 2 and 5 minutes to load.


I can spend my time better elsewhere.

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