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Adult Werewolf models??


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will be quick and brief with this; when doing the Companion Quest line, near the end, you are given the option to join The Circle and become a werewolf your self. but wait, hold on, that's a WOMAN that you first see enter the secret layer under the Skyforge, yet she has a 'male' werewolf model?? anyone able to make a female werewolf model and maybe have an adult versions of both male and female??
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Agreed, the Male version needs more muscles to make it look stronger, maybe not go all out with full nudity, as we'd still have fur covering up most of these places, and it wouldn't really look natural, unless the texture and model were really, really good.
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I think the texture will be more time consuming, getting all those little details, the ripples of the flesh where the muscle definition lies, all the little hairs that make up the fur. It's not really simple to make a great looking texture, it takes time to get the lines just right. Don't take my word for it though, I've only ever modded a single texture in my life and it didn't come out that great...
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