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Dwarfs! Need em :P


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Seeing as a Daedra banished the Dwemer, it'd be tough to find a scenario where any of them survived. It'd be awesome if Bethesda brings them back at som point though.


Does anyone sense a prequel following the disappearance of the Dwemer for TES 6? :)

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Seeing as a Daedra banished the Dwemer, it'd be tough to find a scenario where any of them survived. It'd be awesome if Bethesda brings them back at som point though.


Does anyone sense a prequel following the disappearance of the Dwemer for TES 6? :)


I certainly wouldn't complain if they found a way to bring them back. More diversity is always a good thing. :)

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If you're going with lore, dwarves would be dwemer and share some common elven features. Based on the evidence available, they are known for long beards and perhaps a few other unique facial characteristics.


This, in my opinion makes them seem more like traditional RPG Gnomes, than traditional RPG Dwarves. I actually like that idea better than anything, because it fits the TES lore, and the traditional Gnome paradigm. Super intelligent inventors.


Funny that you say a city frozen in time with magic, or a portal sending the player back in time. You mention the disappearance of the Dwemer Elves but whose to say they didn't create a city deep underground with a stock of food to last them a couple hundred years? Now finding this hidden city would be a pretty awesome quest.


It's a possibility, but the recorded date for their disappearance is around year 700 of the first era, which means it's over 3700 years before Skyrim. That would be an awful lot of food to stockpile!


Not impossible, I suppose, but they'd probably need a way to sustain themselves (perhaps using artificial lights to grow algae or other aquatic biomes?).


It seems like the Snow elves(Falmer) sustain themselves by living off of Chaurus(bug) eggs, and use their shells for Armor and weapons. They are predominately an underground inhibitor. It stands to reason that the Dwemer would have done something similar, considering the majority of Dwemer ruins extend DEEP into the earth.




IMO, the best Option would be to make them 2/3rd the Height of Imperials, and Similar features to the High elves. Rugged and Articulate beard and hair options with fairly advanced magic and smithing capabilities.


As far as story/lore goes, I wouldn't mind an extremely long quest chain that leads you back in time, allowing you to "save" a few select Dwemer, bringing them forward in time with you and allow them to exist in present day.

The time concept is already present in the Main quest line, Might as well expand upon it.


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I would really like to see a dwarf. as Friendly NPC like children. since they are small and therefore harder to kill. which would be kinda op when you use dwarf yourself.


but dwarfs should be added. like a (over level 30) feature and have heavy losses on using longrange attacks like bows and such

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Would love to have a good Dwarf race :D


Also credit for pic goes to artist not myself :)




God i still remember the Dwarfs of DragonAge origins....It'd be awesome to have a race like that..



Agree completely havent found any good games i can play a dwarf in soon would be awesome to have them in Skyrim.


Also i dont mind people wanting this lore friendly but the "Dwarf" i think of arent in TES at all.


Now if someone wanted to make Snow Elves/Falmer a playable race i would be game for that as well so long as they are still blind goblin looking hunched back characters.


But this is just a request me wanting to play a classic "Dwarf" Character in Skyrim lol

Edited by Romulus0017
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If I'm not mistaken though it is mentioned that Dwemer are elves so they'd be tall like humans and skinny. Dwemer stands for Deep Elf.



May be true but this game breaks the rules by using non-traditional dwarves =)


What rules? A game doesn't have to stick to some pre-defined lore, if they did, every single rpg would be the same.


The whole reason half of us play Elder Scrolls is that it has such a deep and non-traditional lore.


If you want traditional dwarves, that's fine, but there isn't any rule set in stone saying you have to have midgets with beards as dwarves.

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