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Bill S.1867


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I spent a few minutes reviewing this and section 1031 through 1037 is pretty important.


Although they are specific in their language about the qualifications of people who can be taken prisoner by the military. You pretty much have to be in direct support of Al Queda, Taliban, etc. Meaning they cannot just arrest normal citizens, as suggested by this paragraph here:



(e) AUTHORITIES.—Nothing in this section shall be

construed to affect existing law or authorities, relating to

the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident

aliens of the United States or any other persons who are

captured or arrested in the United States.



Basically its being blown out of proportion, and is in no way giving the military a right to just arrest anyone, and anyone who takes the time to read the bill would know that. So I hope this puts an end to that idea.

What else do you expect from the morons on the Internet who don't know how to read? They thought Congress announced pizza = vegetable when the word pizza didn't even come up once in their bill, and now this.

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What else do you expect from the morons on the Internet who don't know how to read? They thought Congress announced pizza = vegetable when the word pizza didn't even come up once in their bill, and now this.

That is for another topic and that was already fully explained to you. If you want to complain about it post it in the proper thread.



Can someone post the part of the bill that lets the military detain citizens? Anyone?

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Can someone post the part of the bill that lets the military detain citizens? Anyone?

How many times must it be explained to you that there is no such part of the bill? I see you still haven't learned your lesson from the pizza bill thread.

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Can someone post the part of the bill that lets the military detain citizens? Anyone?

How many times must it be explained to you that there is no such part of the bill? I see you still haven't learned your lesson from the pizza bill thread.


Let's not bring other arguments into this topic. That would be considered thread derailment. It's too early for that. :mellow:


I think we can all agree that the internet (and news in general) blows things way out of proportion.


Upon hearing this, and reading comments on various blogs, news articles, etc., many of them were things along the lines of, "OMG! What is this country coming to? FREEDOM!!!!! Anarchy, let's all riot in the streets, etc."


People tend to fear things they don't know, and the media is there to fill in those unknown spots with bloated and glorified versions of the same thing.

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Why don't you just take the time to look through it instead? Or are you another one who wants to comment and complain about something they didn't even read themselves?

It is kind of hard to read a entire bill to find a single part about detaining US citizens. That is why I am asking someone who supposedly has read it already and knows where it is.


@ lukertin

There was not the word pizza in the bill. I don't even think the word vegetable was in the bill. The point is that the new tomato sauce serving would have made pizza equal in nutrition to a serving of vegetables. Pizza is the big thing mentioned here since the bill was made to reduce fresh produce for cost purposes, and the new serving of tomato sauce worked perfectly for pizza. There is already another topic for this and you had no real reason to bring it up. If you want to continue this go to the other thread for it.

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It is kind of hard to read a entire bill to find a single part about detaining US citizens. That is why I am asking someone who supposedly has read it already and knows where it is.



Subtitle D—Detainee Matters

Sec. 1031. Affirmation of authority of the Armed Forces of the United States

to detain covered persons pursuant to the Authorization for

Use of Military Force.

Sec. 1032. Requirement for military custody.

Sec. 1033. Requirements for certifications relating to the transfer of detainees

at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to

foreign countries and other foreign entities.

Sec. 1034. Prohibition on use of funds to construct or modify facilities in the

United States to house detainees transferred from United

States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Sec. 1035. Procedures for periodic detention review of individuals detained at

United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Sec. 1036. Procedures for status determinations.

Sec. 1037. Clarification of right to plead guilty in trial of capital offense by

military commission.

Subtitle E—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations

Sec. 1041. Management of Department of Defense installations.

Sec. 1042. Amendments relating to the Military Commissions Act of 2009.

Sec. 1043. Department of Defense authority to carry out personnel recovery reintegration

and post-isolation support activities.


These categories are the most important pertaining to the authority they have to arrest and detail people. Read it for yourself, I narrowed your search down.

Edited by Beriallord
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It is kind of hard to read a entire bill to find a single part about detaining US citizens. That is why I am asking someone who supposedly has read it already and knows where it is.



Subtitle D—Detainee Matters

Sec. 1031. Affirmation of authority of the Armed Forces of the United States

to detain covered persons pursuant to the Authorization for

Use of Military Force.

Sec. 1032. Requirement for military custody.

Sec. 1033. Requirements for certifications relating to the transfer of detainees

at United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to

foreign countries and other foreign entities.

Sec. 1034. Prohibition on use of funds to construct or modify facilities in the

United States to house detainees transferred from United

States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Sec. 1035. Procedures for periodic detention review of individuals detained at

United States Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Sec. 1036. Procedures for status determinations.

Sec. 1037. Clarification of right to plead guilty in trial of capital offense by

military commission.

Subtitle E—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations

Sec. 1041. Management of Department of Defense installations.

Sec. 1042. Amendments relating to the Military Commissions Act of 2009.

Sec. 1043. Department of Defense authority to carry out personnel recovery reintegration

and post-isolation support activities.


These categories are the most important pertaining to the authority they have to arrest and detail people. Read it for yourself, I narrowed your search down.

Still don't see anything about detaining US citizens.

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Still don't see anything about detaining US citizens.


Exactly. Because there is nothing in there about detaining US citizens.


Unless someone would like to prove otherwise, as well as point me to the spot in there that says it.

Edited by Beriallord
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