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Reunification of Skyrim bug


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I am on the Reunification of Skyrim quest and am trying to report to Legate Rikke at the Imperial Winterhold camp, however I do not get the option when talking to her to report for duty and thus continue the reunification quests; the questline is blocked for me. I have looked on forums everywhere and it seems that other people are having similar problems with Rikke and also with Galmar on the Liberatation of Skyrim quests.


I have tried nearly everything that those forums suggest; Quiting to main menu and reloading, restarting the game, waiting several days, sleeping several days, fast traveling back and forth from another location, walking around the table, waiting several minutes by the table, hitting her, hitting her till her health goes to zero and she gets back up, spawing dragons by her, getting a natural dragon attack, spawning a duplicate copy of her somewhere else, going on a rampage and killing everyone in camp (Last one was my idea, didn't expect it to work but made me feel slightly better) and I still don't get the option to report to duty. Have tried messing with console commands, but it seems that the only setstage command that works for this questline at this point is 255, which completes the entire civil war questline (including killing ulfric), which defeats the whole purpose of trying to fix this....


Saw something about becoming a vampire and the person doing some elaborate process that fixed it, but I really don't want to cure myself of lycanthropy to do this.


I completed the main quest before starting the civil war quests, Markath and Riften were exchanged at the peace conference, but I don't thing that has an effect on this.


Has anyone devised some process or figured out some console command that has fixed this problem, or does anyone have any other suggestions besides waiting for Bethesda to patch this?

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I am on the Reunification of Skyrim quest and am trying to report to Legate Rikke at the Imperial Winterhold camp, however I do not get the option when talking to her to report for duty and thus continue the reunification quests; the questline is blocked for me. I have looked on forums everywhere and it seems that other people are having similar problems with Rikke and also with Galmar on the Liberatation of Skyrim quests.


I have tried nearly everything that those forums suggest; Quiting to main menu and reloading, restarting the game, waiting several days, sleeping several days, fast traveling back and forth from another location, walking around the table, waiting several minutes by the table, hitting her, hitting her till her health goes to zero and she gets back up, spawing dragons by her, getting a natural dragon attack, spawning a duplicate copy of her somewhere else, going on a rampage and killing everyone in camp (Last one was my idea, didn't expect it to work but made me feel slightly better) and I still don't get the option to report to duty. Have tried messing with console commands, but it seems that the only setstage command that works for this questline at this point is 255, which completes the entire civil war questline (including killing ulfric), which defeats the whole purpose of trying to fix this....


Saw something about becoming a vampire and the person doing some elaborate process that fixed it, but I really don't want to cure myself of lycanthropy to do this.


I completed the main quest before starting the civil war quests, Markath and Riften were exchanged at the peace conference, but I don't thing that has an effect on this.


Has anyone devised some process or figured out some console command that has fixed this problem, or does anyone have any other suggestions besides waiting for Bethesda to patch this?


Same problem here. Finished main quest, exchanged same holds as above. Same bug.


I just tried something i read: I talked to her and still nothing and then i used ice form Shout on her and as soon as the ice broke off i talked to her and she gave me the dialog option (reporting for duty). I hope this helps.

Edited by s2t2s
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I am on the Reunification of Skyrim quest and am trying to report to Legate Rikke at the Imperial Winterhold camp, however I do not get the option when talking to her to report for duty and thus continue the reunification quests; the questline is blocked for me. I have looked on forums everywhere and it seems that other people are having similar problems with Rikke and also with Galmar on the Liberatation of Skyrim quests.


I have tried nearly everything that those forums suggest; Quiting to main menu and reloading, restarting the game, waiting several days, sleeping several days, fast traveling back and forth from another location, walking around the table, waiting several minutes by the table, hitting her, hitting her till her health goes to zero and she gets back up, spawing dragons by her, getting a natural dragon attack, spawning a duplicate copy of her somewhere else, going on a rampage and killing everyone in camp (Last one was my idea, didn't expect it to work but made me feel slightly better) and I still don't get the option to report to duty. Have tried messing with console commands, but it seems that the only setstage command that works for this questline at this point is 255, which completes the entire civil war questline (including killing ulfric), which defeats the whole purpose of trying to fix this....


Saw something about becoming a vampire and the person doing some elaborate process that fixed it, but I really don't want to cure myself of lycanthropy to do this.


I completed the main quest before starting the civil war quests, Markath and Riften were exchanged at the peace conference, but I don't thing that has an effect on this.


Has anyone devised some process or figured out some console command that has fixed this problem, or does anyone have any other suggestions besides waiting for Bethesda to patch this?


Same problem here. Finished main quest, exchanged same holds as above. Same bug.


I just tried something i read: I talked to her and still nothing and then i used ice form Shout on her and as soon as the ice broke off i talked to her and she gave me the dialog option (reporting for duty). I hope this helps.


Just tried it, didn't work....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am on the Reunification of Skyrim quest and am trying to report to Legate Rikke at the Imperial Winterhold camp, however I do not get the option when talking to her to report for duty and thus continue the reunification quests; the questline is blocked for me. I have looked on forums everywhere and it seems that other people are having similar problems with Rikke and also with Galmar on the Liberatation of Skyrim quests.


I have tried nearly everything that those forums suggest; Quiting to main menu and reloading, restarting the game, waiting several days, sleeping several days, fast traveling back and forth from another location, walking around the table, waiting several minutes by the table, hitting her, hitting her till her health goes to zero and she gets back up, spawing dragons by her, getting a natural dragon attack, spawning a duplicate copy of her somewhere else, going on a rampage and killing everyone in camp (Last one was my idea, didn't expect it to work but made me feel slightly better) and I still don't get the option to report to duty. Have tried messing with console commands, but it seems that the only setstage command that works for this questline at this point is 255, which completes the entire civil war questline (including killing ulfric), which defeats the whole purpose of trying to fix this....


Saw something about becoming a vampire and the person doing some elaborate process that fixed it, but I really don't want to cure myself of lycanthropy to do this.


I completed the main quest before starting the civil war quests, Markath and Riften were exchanged at the peace conference, but I don't thing that has an effect on this.


Has anyone devised some process or figured out some console command that has fixed this problem, or does anyone have any other suggestions besides waiting for Bethesda to patch this?


Same problem here. Finished main quest, exchanged same holds as above. Same bug.


I just tried something i read: I talked to her and still nothing and then i used ice form Shout on her and as soon as the ice broke off i talked to her and she gave me the dialog option (reporting for duty). I hope this helps.


Just tried it, didn't work....





Ok Guys ...i got the Solution to BEAT this LEGATE RIKKE BUG ....


what i DID ...solved my PROBLEM ....


Step 1 -- GET the NEW Updare of SKYRIM v1.3 ( available in STEAM and from TORRENT ....its 222 MB)

Step 2 --- Install the New Update and update ur SKYRIM version to 1.3

step 3 --- Start the game from begining ....( NEW GAME)

step 4-- Choose RACE- NORD

step 5 --- Choose the STORMCLOK soldier ...when getting into KEEP escaping from HELGEN *****( note)

Step 6--- Join the Imperials in SOLITUDE

Step 7 - there is a BUG i faced ( Fort Bug ) where i cudnt find any soldiers ..adn the fort was empty (

Step 8 - Use the console command ... "setstage CWFortSiegeFort 9000" to complete this BUGGED Quest from RIKKE...


Step 9 - no other BUG i FACED !! i completed the IMPERIAL QUEST ...and got Victory upon Storm Clocks ...KILLED ULFRIC !!!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

What if you own the PS3 version and it's doing this?

I have the PS3 version and what I did, I changed into a werewolf in front of her, but do not attack her, run far away from the camp and rest 12 hours and you'll change back to human form, then return and talk to her and she will give you the option and unbug. Hope this helps!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...
I tried all the fixes out there that I could find, but none of them worked, so I gave up. Months later, I accidentally stumbled across a fix. I downloaded TES5Editor (experimental version), and opened Skyrim.esm with the program. Then I right clicked and chose "check for errors" or something like that. It took a while to get through it all, but I saw the debug log and somewhere in there it had recognized Leggate Rikke was bugged. I couldn't tell if it had managed to repair the quest, so I opened the game and sure enough, it was fixed!!!!!
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  • 1 year later...

For those who have tried almost everything to fix this glitch, I believe i have found another option that always worked for me. Before finding a fix I had tried almost everything listed in this site, and several others. What I finally ended up doing was I traveled to the forts that the quests would've sent me to do anyways, and I cleared out the entire area. All the bandits both inside and outside of the fort were killed WITHOUT any commands, I found using any commands would cause this not to work. After clearing out the specific fort that the quest would've sent you to anyways, I simply quick traveled to the camp where legate Rikke is, and the dialogue would always be there. I've also seen a lot of talk that simply waiting, or doing other quests will fix this, my theory on that is every 10 days the forts resets, as stated by the skyrim wiki, and when this happens they reset with stormcloak NPCs instead of bandits, allowing the quest to move forward. I did not try waiting 10 days in game to test this, but killing all NPCs in the specific forts always worked with me. Hopefully this also works for others.

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  • 10 months later...

For those who have tried almost everything to fix this glitch, I believe i have found another option that always worked for me. Before finding a fix I had tried almost everything listed in this site, and several others. What I finally ended up doing was I traveled to the forts that the quests would've sent me to do anyways, and I cleared out the entire area. All the bandits both inside and outside of the fort were killed WITHOUT any commands, I found using any commands would cause this not to work. After clearing out the specific fort that the quest would've sent you to anyways, I simply quick traveled to the camp where legate Rikke is, and the dialogue would always be there. I've also seen a lot of talk that simply waiting, or doing other quests will fix this, my theory on that is every 10 days the forts resets, as stated by the skyrim wiki, and when this happens they reset with stormcloak NPCs instead of bandits, allowing the quest to move forward. I did not try waiting 10 days in game to test this, but killing all NPCs in the specific forts always worked with me. Hopefully this also works for others.

im having the problem with the false front quest, and i cant just clear out a fort on that one, any other ideas??

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