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DMRA and BBB only for some women


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Can someone make a mod for dmra & bbb only for women that already have big breasts or big booties, or something? I feel like a nerdy pervert with the dmra fine tuned mod that gives dmra and bbb to every single woman in the game. Plus I thought the mod only modified some womens bodies, so I chose NOT to backup the files the mod replaced. Also, could somebody upload the original files that the dmra fine tuned etc. mod replaced so I don't have to re-install oblivion to remove it? Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by Chase01231984
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OK here's the long and complicated (not beginner friendly) answer ... but unfortunately there is no other way to answer that question.


In the vanilla game there is one female body and one male body and they both use the same skeleton.nif (the stick figure that the body meshes are "hung" on) and the same animation .kf files (that move the bones on that stick figure skeleton.nif). The way that BBB works is it adds extra "bones" (sticks) to the skeleton.nif and then adds animations to those new bones.


Part of the process when a body (or clothing/armor) mesh is "hung" on the skeleton.nif is parts of the mesh are assigned to different bones on the skeleton.nif (so arm bones move the arms, leg bones the legs etc). Meshes (body or clothing/armor) that are intended for females are rigged to the breast bones when the BBBed mesh is created and the breast area of the mesh is "weight painted" to give the different parts realistic movement when animated by the bones and animation files.


You can get a mix of BBB and non-BBB for females that are clothed/wearing armor through mix and matching armor/clothing from different sources (and different bust sizes if that's what you'd like) but as soon as you strip them down their naked bodies are stuck in that "one size/type fits all" vanilla limitation.


That was how it used to be ... then along came Blockhead.


With Blockhead you can have as many different size and shape of bodies as you have patience to "Blockheadize" and resources to draw from. As part of that you could have all the small busted women without BBB (just select a non-BBBed body mesh for the small busted women when assigning them a Blockhead body mesh) and BBB for the big busted ones. If you wanted you could even create BBB animations with different BBB movement and assign different walk/run/fight animations to different NPCs (and different weight painting to meshes of different bust sizes).


The limit is your time and skill. The Blockheading is simply copying and renaming some files and putting them into the correct folders ... the limitation is your time and patience. The animation/weight painting stuff is Blender work (and maybe some NifSkope) ... the limitation there is your ability to learn to use those tools.


And no, you don't need to re-install the game to get rid of your "failed" DMRA BBB. The vanilla bodies, skeleton.nif and animations are safely hidden away where they were from the beginning ... in the vanilla game BSA files (Oblivion - Meshes.bsa for those files). Simply delete the files that were added by DMRA and BBB and you'll be back to vanilla automagically.

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Using Blockhead isn't at all like programming. All it takes is learning to copy and paste files from whichever resource you are going to use as a source of body meshes into the correct folders used by Blockhead and then rename those resource files to match the file names required by Blockhead.

I recently gave a quick explanation of the process to use Blockhead to give the player character whichever body you desired here.

Now I do believe that all this would have overwhelmed me when I was just starting out and I came into this with excellent computer skills honed from all the way back in the DOS 3.1 days (the operating systems that predated all Windows versions ... yes I'm an old guy).

I don't know what your skill set is for things like copying files etc, but literally it took me ten times longer to type that post with the instructions than it would have taken me to actually make the change for the player character using Blockhead. The prep work is just downloading your resources and extracting the download to a folder. I've been at this a while now, so I've a lot of different resources to draw from, but SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition is the main source I use these days.

Edited by Striker879
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