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Skyrim won't load none mods anymore


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Hi Everybody,


First of all, I wanted to thank all of you (modders and members) of Skyrim NexusMods, for yours countless adds (especially Followers ) every years since I started Skyrim.


So, here is the trouble :

After a complete reinstall, I spent the last 6 month, during my free time, modding and modding again, I've got a impressive number of Mods (especially Followers :laugh:), but since I merge most of them, I never reach the plugin limit (255 if I say right, did I?). The game was running properly, each time I added mods, I tested them. So now my game work fine, but since I update NMM, when I add a mod (only plugin more precisely), whatever it is, the game show no mods anymore (no more armors,weapons,followers, ENB, SKSE and MCM menu, etc...), either NMM or Steam Workshop mods, and I don't think my computer graphic setting is the culprit. If you need more details, just ask me.


I know there probably has other topic talking about this but at the moment I'm fighting a headache for having searched for hours on the net for answers....

But if someone know how to deal with it, please, send me anything that can help me.


Thank you in advance for the help you can give me.

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I know there probably has other topic talking about this but at the moment I'm fighting a headache for having searched for hours on the net for answers....

nothing wrong with asking. we encourage people to create new threads to solve their problem if they cant find a solution themselves.


though we do need to know your load order and which mod you are adding that is causing the issue (if that matters) and optionally you PC specs

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Sure, but most of my plugins are merged files so, I don't know if it's changes something


-AP Skyrim.esm
-Moonpath to Elsweyr (a merged plugin for all moonpath to Elsweyr plugins)
-The Joy of Perspective.esp
-lightweight potions an poisons.esp
-follower map markers.esp
-FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp
-Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
-AK-Alternata Actors.esp
-Map Markers.esp
-FTFI Fast Travel From Indoors.esp
-RealisticWaterTwo (merged file of all RealisticWaterTwo plugins)
-RealisticNight (merged file of all RealisticNights plugins)
-SoS - Civilization.esp
-RSChildren - Complete.esp
-Bijin Wives,Warmaidens,NPCs (merged file)
-Eyes of Aber.esp
-Glowing Vampire Eyes.esp
-Glowing Eyes.esp
-Book Covers Skyrim.esp
-Animated Enchantments.esp
-Linked Home Chest.esp
-My Home is Your Home.esp
-marriagemod - alpha v3.esp
-Player Size Adjuster.esp
-Dead Body Collision.esp
-KS Hairdo's.esp
-KS Hairdos - HDT.esp
-Hott Argonians - Standalone.esp
-Animated Dragon Wings.esp
-Animated Fairy Wings.esp
-Immersive NPC in the dark.esp
-FA Guard Helmet.esp
-armored circlets.esp
-Wa Ribbon.esp
-the Asteria - Dwemer Airship.esp
-Orlong's Hearth vdot9.esp
-evil mastermin armor.esp
-Remodeled armor for CBBE HDT'n'bodyslide (a merged file of Remodeled Armor CBBE Bodyslide TBBT plugins)
and now start the long list of merged plugins of kinky followers (merged and indexed by autors)




Pfiou...and about the mod from which I realized my problem


-Segodon Follower Kaya
-Segodon Follower Geatrud



When I install them,NMM tell me to replace some existing files in scripts and SKSE folders, but I think I didn't change them, so I delete these mods.


Finally, what did you need to know about my PC exactly?


P.S : I don't know if it can help but when I delete a plugin, whatever it is, and I install another one instead, it work properly, but if I add another one, I've got the same problem.

Edited by RUGonnawork
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