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Oblivion 4gb (LAA) LAUNCHER?


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I am sorry if this is answered somewhere and I didn't find it.


I know that Fallout NV and now Skyrim have a "4gb Launcher" which enables LAA > 2gb addressing for those games. Is there a similar launcher for Oblivion?


I have those games and Oblivion GOTY Edition in Steam. If I directly patch the Oblivion exe for 4gb addressing, Steam just overwrites it on the next run unless I'm in "offline" mode. Even when I'm in offline mode and the 4gb addressing does not get overwritten, it still seams that I run out of memory.


Would someone be kind enough to clue me in (point me to the best guide) on the best way to handle 4gb LAA memory addressing for TES GOTY on Steam?



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Do you have more than 4 GB RAM in your machine (the way I read between the lines in the utility description is it will make the patched executable use 4GB, which means you will need at least 6 GB to leave 2 GB left over for the OS). As for your Steam issue ... well there are reasons I won't use Steam. Patch and run off-line. Edited by Striker879
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Do you have more than 4 GB RAM in your machine (the way I read between the lines in the utility description is it will make the patched executable use 4GB, which means you will need at least 6 GB to leave 2 GB left over for the OS). As for your Steam issue ... well there are reasons I won't use Steam. Patch and run off-line.


Yes, I have 6GB.

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I really don't understand why Steam makes Oblivion GOTY so hard to deal with for growing number of us with 64bit Windows 7. When we patch the Oblivion executable (and one DLL) just to be able to play Oblivion without problems, the Steam guys feel a need to un-patch our patch reverting our > 2gb LAA settings every time we run online.


I've been a big fan of Steam for the last few years and now have a library of hundreds of Steam hosted games. I'm finding it harder lately to buy Steam games lately though due to my experiences that Steam is getting in my way more than helping lately.

Edited by got2see
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Steam won't stop until they achieve their goal ... total world domination. My primary job (well since I've retired anyway) is to make 'total' domination impossible for them. They'll always be missing one person (and more if I had my way). In a way they do me a great service. As all games now seem to require Steam I don't have to spend money on new games. Since I don't have any new games my old computer runs just fine ... I don't need to spend any money on new computer hardware. Since I'm not building any new machines I don't need to buy any new operating systems ... more money saved. I win, they lose, everyone can thank Steam.


The only recourse we have is to 'vote with our chequebooks' ... it's the only language they understand.

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