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Followers: No death-kneel


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When a follower's health drops to zero they go into the kneeling position that essential NPCs do, except that (with a few exceptions) they aren't essential. They can still be killed by you or by an enemy, only enemies do not target kneeling characters so you rarely ever see them die.


Well I want my followers to be killed like an average joe. If their health drops to zero, no special treatment, you're dead.


So does anyone know how to either a) make enemies be able to target kneeling followers or b) make followers skip the whole kneeling sequence and just die like normal NPCs?



- Kyoh

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Followers can be killed after they drop to their knees. Enemy AI will switch targets when this happens but they can still go back and kill your follower. I've had it happen.


True, though this doesn't seem to happen very often. I've had followers run into a fight while I was hidden and watched them get beaten to the kneeling stance, only the enemies simply stopped attacking until the follower recovered then beat him to a pulp again but stopped as soon as he was kneeling etc. etc. etc.


As stated before I'm looking to make the enemy either more aggressive towards kneeling followers or simply skip the kneeling process altogether.



- Kyoh

Edited by Kyoh21
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If I had to guess, it might be an AI package, but, since it seems everybody does it, it may be part of a general combat package. Either way, ferreting it out would take a lot of time and may not be possible before CK.


Yeah that's what I suspected. I think the AI is configured differently towards followers because when a bandit drops to their knees the AI shows no mercy, but when it's a follower they turn a blind eye. Hopefully the CK can help mod this issue. Appreciate the feedback.


Best wishes,

- Kyoh

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I don't believe that is true. I actually find it quite irritating how my followers will break off to another target when their current target death kneels and I make a point of watching for kneeling mobs so I can take them out. I think the "break off when kneeling" behavior is true for both followers and mobs.
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  • 2 months later...

Now that we got the dev kit, I think its a good time to bring this idea back into the limelight. I would like to do Skyrim modding, but I don't have time to learn everything myself.


Anyway, does it look like either solution is possible; Skipping death or having followers keep their aggro on themselves?

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