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Section of mesh invisible.


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I went into blender and physically separated a mesh's objects(specifically, a two-cloth skirt in a full body mesh), and deleted one object, the cloth. I didn't touch anything else.

If I go ingame with that mesh, I get nada. Nothing. It's invisible.

If I open up nifskope, take the original mesh, remove the lower part, and replace it with my modified skirt, only the skirt shows up invisible in game.


I'm at my wits end trying to figure this out, and I know it's got to be something simple.

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Neither. A NormalMap must be made from the texture itself in order for it to show up properly in game. NormalMaps have the same name as their parent textures, followed by _n. Example:


Cuirass.dds <--- the texture for a cuirass.

Cuirass_n.dds <--- the NarmalMap for the texture


If you're using the same textures on the new mesh that you were used by the old mesh, you have a different problem (possibly the rigging).


Did you update the rigging after modifying the mesh?

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The only modification I made to the mesh was separate a group of objects, delete one of the objects, and merge them back into a group.

I didn't change the texture.

Sounds like rigging may be the problem, then. How would I fix that?

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I just finished reading it. It's pretty helpful, but I'm still unsure on how to fix the invisibility issue and the rigging. Edited by click1
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Here's a link to a Construction Set Wiki article on Making New Armor Using NifSkope. Note the part in Step 5 of that tutorial and Part 4: Exporting in Saaya's around skeleton issues. I've also seen a lot of talk about having an 'extra' scene root (have a look through DrakeTheDragon's posts on various threads).


Sorry I can't offer more specific help, but you're in an area I have theoretic knowledge on, but no hands on experience (i.e. I've read about but have never got my hands dirty on).

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Maybe get a hold of Nephenee13. He or she has been getting his/her hands dirty in Blender and NifSkope lately (turning into quite the little 'seamstress' from what I've been seeing) and has been also getting very helpful around here as well (much appreciated and encouraged). Might be able to give you some pointers if you want to try a '2.0 version' (sometimes it's easier to start off with a fresh piece of paper).
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