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Extreme lag around bright areas, fires and candles


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So basically I'm running Skyrim without any mods whatsoever, and every time I enter a building my framerate goes from 60-40fps to 10-5fps. But only when looking in the direction of a bunch of candles, fires, or bright lights. Is there any fix for this, I tried running 1.3 patch but that resulted in every time I exit a building the framerate continues to be bad...so I reverted back to 1.1.


Basically the same issue as this guy, except I have done no tweaking or modding at all: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/482614-stuttering-problems-in-dungeons-bright-areas/


Happens on both a GTX 580 and a GTX 460, Sandybridge i7 CPU, Ultra settings.


Thanks for any help.

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This will sound redundant, but make sure you have the newest drivers. Having said that (since its really annoying to most people who have heard it eleven times already), this happens to me only in a few specific buildings or dungeons, and they aren't even necessarily big or complex. It doesn't make much sense, but I've heard that quite a few people get their framerates destroyed by lights, for whatever reason. I don't know how to help.
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I had the same issue but can only run on Low so i drop almost all shadow and about very setting to 0 and it gave me another 8 fps. in these area's of candle light still drop a bit but not that bad, shown there. that is aaahhhh, this worked for me, but might help you idk. :thumbsup:

avg. fps for me 9-25. 9-15 outside. 14-25 in buildings.

Edited by Guss
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I had this same problem a few times (most often when looking towards the torches etc outside Breezehome) and found that if I hit ctrl+alt+delete to start the task manager and them immediately alt+tabbed back to Skyrim the problem went away. I know this is not exactly a tech-y response but it may at least allow you to continue the game without the annoying "Oh look I've run right past the door I thought was in front of me a moment ago" annoyance until a real fix comes along...
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