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Skyrim has no frightening aspects unlike Oblivion


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Don't be jealous now. Not everyone can wear the "Big Boy" pants. It's good that you know your limitations. :thumbsup:

I used to be a badass but then...


Ah hell.

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I dare you to play Thief: the metal age, with all your house light turned off.



Also in thief3 the orphanage was the scariest thing i ever played...some moments were really "damn i just shi*ed myself". :ohdear:

But i do agree with the OP...even though skyrim is full of undead and other vermin, there is no scary atmosphere there.

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Maybe if the caves/barrows/whatever didn't have such ample lighting and you actually needed torches it would be scarier. At least then you wouldn't see the draugr coming from a mile away.

Yeah, they are also predictable, since they always come in 2 ways, either from their grave or just standing there already...you pretty much know where they are plus they growling while in their graves :confused:

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It doesn't have the same scare factor, however the immersion is amazing, ive got to set an alarm after college so i dont arrive late at work lol


I become way too immersed in the graphics and realism and I get a few scares from the spiders, however the dungeons are sadly lacking some things... but obviously it was changed for the quickie gamer having an exit appear after you complete the required actions, I kind of miss getting lost in ayelid ruins and dungeons, and having to navigate your way back out.

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:( the skeletons are no longer scary.... they die to quickly, back in cyrodil and vvanderfell they were feared however now its a different story....


I miss the days when Bethesda wasn't such a big-shot it seems like when they were unheard of there was a lot more effort and content put into the games, im not very fond of the leveling system for skyrim... I think they changed it to benefit new gamer's who are not used to attributing points it takes away the feel of completely customizing your character...

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Must say I agree.


I haven't been unnerved at all with Skyrim. (Same holds true for Morrowind, as well, come to that.)


Oblivion, on the other hand, did indeed have some creepy and dark moments, which I loved. (Finding the body in the fireplace in Weatherleah and then all the bones upstairs definitely freaked me out the first time I came across that place.)


I don't think it's vital to the game and certainly not something that would put me off if the game lacks it. But it IS a nice touch when you have those darker elements.



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