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Skyrim has no frightening aspects unlike Oblivion


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Bit of clarification:


I don't think Oblivion is 'scary' as such. I just think it has some nice dark and grim moments as well as a fair few unsettling ones. (And I'm not talking about with mods - I'm talking about Vanilla.)


I think in particular a lot of the imagery in Oblivion like the Brood Cage, the impaled bodies, etc, is unsettling because you do end up letting your imagination run riot with what you think those bodies strewn about the place went through before they died.


It doesn't require masses of gore or shocks and cheap scares. It's just the idea of what a hellish realm it is that makes it work.


I also love the macabre humour in some storylines. Like causing Thadon's heart to burst at dinner if you decide to take control of Mania in SI. :thumbsup:


Things don't have to be 'scary' to be disturbing.


Sometimes it's just a matter of something giving you a hint of darkness and letting your mind fill in some of the blanks.


For me, Skyrim has very little - pretty much none - of that. It's a bleak world...grim, but lacking an edge of actual 'horror'. That's not a bad thing. As I said in my previous post, it's not a vital element to the game.


It's just - for those of us who like a hint of the macabre - a 'perk' that adds to the atmosphere.

Edited by Brittainy
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It's just - for those of us who like a hint of the macabre - a 'perk' that adds to the atmosphere.


I can't post spoilers here but have you started the Dark Brotherhood quest? Or the Blood on the Ice quest? Have you seen the altars or visited vampire lairs? You've got more than a hint of the macabre in Skyrim.

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This is the ambience I miss so much...


The chains... the laughing... the haunting sounds... the SPEED of these freakin things to the point you are so afraid to even look back when you are running away from them!





And of course... the masterpiece in T3... holy sh-t...



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Yeah lol ...the cradle...i was sh-ting bricks when going trough that...the atmosphere there was nerve breaking...immagine it would be done this way in skyrim with the draugr and other vermin.


No happy jumping out of coffins, sounds/whispers and then when you least expect it... :ohdear:

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Aye! The thief folks really know suspense and horror! If it was done in Skyrim... HOLY SH-T! lol


Like in the cradle, sneaking through the shadows... think you're safe, then suddenly going around a corner with one of those "inmates" in your face! You yell HOLY Sh-tbricks WTF HOLY HOLY HOLY! you panic, with your mouse going all over the place and what you feel aint ingame fear... its REAL FEAR! Heh


Hell I miss that feeling so much, or having low health being chased by hammer haunts or inmates so scared of looking back and seeing a horror right in your face when you didn't expect him to be that close to you! lol


Oh... the memories :(

Can't wait for T4 myself! But if someone was to mod such an atmosphere into Skyrim... oh hell!!!

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There was only one moment that made me jump in this game.


I wasn't paying attention and heard a thump behind me, I turn around to an open dragon maw covering my first person vision.


I never really got to play Oblivion much.. how that game was released in its release state is beyond me. Half the game design decisions were borked requiring mods, and then the game crashes every 5-15 minutes.. *shakes head*

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TES...scary? You can hear enemies from 100ft away thanks to the combat music.


Turn that off, (Like I do) and now I constantly watch my back, even in the middle of the day. I've literally jumped to the point of scaring my brother across the room because a Wolf runs up from behind me and chomps because I didn't hear it coming.


It's the combat music that ruins scariness. Not just in TES, but in every game.

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Scary generally requires a feeling of lack of control, of vulnerability, or both.


Skyrim in general does not have this at all. Enemy combatants generally can't chase you down. They don't have too much variety in attacks. You can always just open the equipment menu for a "reprieve", and down 10 potions. The lighting is also very accommodating, you won't be surprised by a bear in a dark cave, you will always see them coming (of course they usually are constantly growling).


Bandits, marauders and such do not look shifty or angry, they generally look like your typical townsfolk, but with weapons and armor, and have a teasing banter going on as they fight (instead of a sense of hatred/cruelty coming from them).


I think a mod could definitely 'fix' many of the things that make Skyrim not a scary game.

Edited by Levgre
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