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Trying to install OBSE... and failing


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Okay, so I'm trying to install OBSE (and eventually some other mods, obviously), but I keep running into errors, and each error leads me to a new error.


First off, I installed OBSE, and ran the OBSE launcher, only to meet with, "You are using the version of Oblivion installed by Shivering Isles, please upgrade to".


Okay, no problem. I ran the autopatcher off the OBSE website, backed up my Oblivion.exe, and tried to install shivering isles patch. Except, I got this error, "Old File not found. However, a file of the same name was found. No update done since file contents do not match."


Looking online, someone suggested running the Oblivion Launcher, going into Data Files, and making sure that Oblivion.esm is checked off. It wasn't, so I checked it off. This didn't resolve anything, and now I'm very confused as to what to do next.


(Honestly, I'm not sure if all these errors were in this order, since I've been going through these over and over again.)

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First step ... when you start your game in the lower left corner of the main menu screen you will see your current version number. OBSE requires version 1.2.0416.


The best place to get patches if you aren't at version 1.2.0416 is from Bethesda's site ... Bethesda Patches and scroll down. Note that there are different patches depending on which language version of the game you have, and whether or not you have Shivering Isles. If you have SI there is a single English version patch, while if you do not have SI there are two different "English" versions, one for North America and one for Europe ... you must use the correct one.


If you are running the Steam version of the game it will automatically patch itself up to the correct version. All other downloadable versions of the game are NOT supported by OBSE.


Once you have the game starting and showing version 1.2.0416 then you can install OBSE.

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