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Need help with smoke effect in nifskope, please advise


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I am trying to figure out how to move a smoke effect for a jetpack mod but it doesn't seem to have a mesh to click on. It relies on vanilla assets and I am wondering if I need to dump the textures from the vanilla game or if I have nifskope set up wrong or something. Here is the nif below, if someone with some knowledge of nifskope could just take a few seconds to check it out and give me some advise I will be very grateful, thanks.


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Edited by Murielkai
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It's a particle system, which is incredibly more complicated to work with than regular meshes are.


Also, you could have provided the filepath to said .nif instead of effectively redistributing the asset.


If you just want to move where the particle effect spawns particles, translate the NiParticleSystem node.


If you want to change how the particle effect looks, I recommend first reading this tutorial.

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I will try searching for the addon node, im not proficient in nifskope at all, heh. Its literally like looking for a needle in a haystack. o.O


Edit: It does have a listing for "addon node" under one of the last strings but I am having issues finding where to change the variable,

Edited by Murielkai
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There should be a node of type BSValueNode in the Block List window called AddOnNode or something similar. In the Block Detail list window, this node will have a number in the Value field. This value corresponds with the index of the AddOnNode in the CK that the mesh will use. All you need to do is right-click the BSValueNode in Nifskope and select Transform->Edit, then adjust the XYZ (and maybe rotation) to move the node to where you want it.

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