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Anyone familier with Fallout will know Willow. Probably the best companion ever. A lot of hard work went into getting her right. She belonged in the game. Comes with her own quests, querky attitude and much more quotes than th evanilla companions. Damn this girl even had me collecting pencils. Anyway would love for her to make an appearance in Skyrim.
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I'd say this is one of those Creation Kit things. Based on how easy the previous "Construction Set" was to use and manipulate, It would be a fairly easy feet.

I thought they said the CK was coming out on Release day? Oh well. When CK comes out, I would love to work on this.

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Check her out, she's the #1 MOD in the newvegasnexus site. I'm guessing Llama will get first stab if she's interested in Skyrim that is.



Probably best. As a male, I don't have a very good lady voice. Though i'm sure a lot can be done with the built in voice.


Still, I'll take a whack at it. I have felt the companions/followers were pretty transparent, and needed more depth since I got Lydia, and grayed out her dialogue options in all of 20 seconds. I then proceeded to kill her at Boethia's Shrine.

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It is a shame that the Followers aren't as good as in New Vegas. Each one had a personality and background there, making you feel something towards them. Take Boone for instance, I loved having that guy with me. Not only was he very useful, but he actually had emotions and spoke out occasionally depending on how you played.


Unlike the robotic packmules that trundle along behind you in Skyrim. I literally just use them as extra storage, telling them to "Wait there" all the time, while I go off and kill enemies effectively without spending most of the time huddled on the floor in a heap of shame lol.


I'd love to see something that improves the Followers, not just in usefulness but adding something that actually makes them worth taking along for the ride.

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Agreed, Although I sacked Boone after he had a go at me once for befriending the Ceasers, Even though my actual intention was to assasinate Ceaser which I did. But yes they all had a story to tell. I will welcome any companion mods that add something to the game other than a pack mule that can distract enemies for you. I got so into Willow that even after i had 100 pencils and completed that quest I couldnt stop picking the damn things up.
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