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MxR Mod Setup


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Hey, I am quite new to Skyrim modding and even newer to the Nexus forums I've been looking for guides to making your game look as aesthetic as MxR game. The only real guides were talking about a specific series. If someone can guide me to one, or tell the forum it would be appreciated. I am sure a lot of other people are also looking for this.

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It depends on your personal tastes.


I'm not sure what setup MxR is running at the moment, he changes it alot to test out mods. If you ask him I'm sure he'll be happy to tell you what he's got if he doesnt have it posted somewhere.

Here's a quick run down on visual enhancing mods though.


The biggest thing that impacts the visuals is an ENB, which adds a lot of visual effects and can completely change the way the game looks, from a dark and moody atmosphere to a bright and cheery one. They also use the most FPS, so you'll want a decent system if want to use them without slowing your game down much.

First, you download the base enb (Google skyrim enb or search the nexus, most enb presets have a link to the main enb site) and then either adjust the enb yourself or download a preset someone else made, like RealVision or Grim and Somber.

Then you usually pick a lighting mod that is compatible with the enb preset, for instance, i use RealVision ENB with the ELFX lighting mod set up, so the enb is adjusted to that lighting mod and looks good with it. There are several here on the nexus, type in lighting in the files category and click most downloaded or most endorsed.


Next thing is, do you want a weather mod. Many enbs come with their own weather setups, and are not compatible with weathet mods. Others, like this specific version of RealVision (climates of tamriel) is set up to work with the weather mod Climates of Tamriel. Weather mods add different types of weathers with different effects, from a more colorful sunset to beautiful lightning storms during a raging blizzard.


After that, if your graphics card can handle it, there's texture and mesh overhauls. I use Skyrim HD, which overhauls most of the games static textures like buildings and such, and Static mesh overhaul, which makes a lot of meshes higher poly, making them look better shapewise, for example making some really bad vanilla 2d chains into beautiful 3d chains.

Then there's npc and character overhauls. There's so many that you'll have to look them up for yourself. I recommend CBBE or UNP and better males for body overhauls (warning,contain nudity) and anything by Bijin for female npc overhauls,there's a few that do male npcs as well like men of skyrim.

I know that was long, but I hope it helps! Welcome to modding! :)

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I watch his YouTube series also. MxR uses Realvision ENB. You can find the guide here in Nexus. Search it and install all the listed mods to make your game look similar to his. Realvision is a great ENB configuration, but some people dislike it's default bright saturation levels. I don't really mind, as long as it's "purdy"!

Edited by Sylvansnake25
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