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Bethseda Softworks will not be fixing the lag problems with skyrim any


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My question here is simple, what lag?


I completely built my desktop cheap from www.pricewatch.com and where are the lag problems?... I dont see why others are complaining but I may be one of the lucky ones.


I'm running a Gigabyte mother board with a Amd Athelon cpu with a Nvidia 1gb video card two slots of 512k


so far skyrim running at top specs hasn't shown any lag or slow load times, the game immediately loads up and plays completely smoothly and any load time between areas is in the seconds...

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit


ASUS P8P67 Deluxe


EVGA GTX 560 Ti Crysis 2 Edition


I7 860 @ 3.4


Corsair Vengeance 8 GB ( 2 x 4 GB ) OC @ 1866



tons of other goodies i won't list...


went from a constant 60+ FPS straight down to 20, sometimes lower sometimes higher...didn't have ANY problem till the newest patch!!

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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My question here is simple, what lag?


I completely built my desktop cheap from www.pricewatch.com and where are the lag problems?... I dont see why others are complaining but I may be one of the lucky ones.


I'm running a Gigabyte mother board with a Amd Athelon cpu with a Nvidia 1gb video card two slots of 512k


so far skyrim running at top specs hasn't shown any lag or slow load times, the game immediately loads up and plays completely smoothly and any load time between areas is in the seconds...



Is there a point to this or did you literally make a thread just to tell everyone that your computer can run Skyrim on high settings?

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Topic ID and post for it are two different things. :thumbsup:

Bethesda* Not fixing any lag problems and then talking about the computer you have...

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isnt the lag on PS3s not PCs. if have a crappy PC its gonna lag no matter what game youre playing


The lags are there on the PC. But - at least in my case - they're explainable. They mostly happen when there's a lot of objects and textures to be loaded. Might also be, that crossing some invisible cell boarder causes lags.

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isnt the lag on PS3s not PCs. if have a crappy PC its gonna lag no matter what game youre playing


The lags are there on the PC. But - at least in my case - they're explainable. They mostly happen when there's a lot of objects and textures to be loaded. Might also be, that crossing some invisible cell boarder causes lags.


Ya i don't understand the performance issues I have either. Phenom II 3Ghz with 3+G ram and brand new vid card. I regularly run WoW 25man raids at ultra with solid fps yet Skyrim, even on medium setting is very stuttery anywhere, especially outside - run a few steps, stall 2 secs, run a few steps, stall 2 secs. Since my current character is mostly a stealth archer it's a nightmare because as I'm aiming to lead a shot every time it stutters mid-draw I miss and draw attention instead of 1shotting. Since this is 95% of the time outside, I'm guessing there must be something about the multiple cell loading/distance/too many objects but it's still ridiculous that my system can't run it smoothly while I watch my son on the ps3 flying through the countryside seamlessly.


It has also locked up my entire computer several times, simply crashed a few times, and at least half a dozen times had massive kaleidoscope-torn graphics. Some days I can play for hours with no issue (lag aside) while others I haven't even been able to load it up. Because I can, and have, played for, say, 12 hours straight without issue I tend to think my system is just fine but that there are clearly some internal coding conflicts causing it.

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the game is cpu dependent not gpu dependent

you are at ultra with what machine now?


Its a custom machine, windows 7 x64, a cheap Gigabyte mother board, Nvidia Geforce 1gig video card comprised of 2 512k carts not the best card for high power gaming, AMD Athlon 3.2gig CPU


Most games wont run very high but skyrim runs amazingly on ultra high

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My question here is simple, what lag?


I completely built my desktop cheap from www.pricewatch.com and where are the lag problems?... I dont see why others are complaining but I may be one of the lucky ones.


I'm running a Gigabyte mother board with a Amd Athelon cpu with a Nvidia 1gb video card two slots of 512k


so far skyrim running at top specs hasn't shown any lag or slow load times, the game immediately loads up and plays completely smoothly and any load time between areas is in the seconds...



Is there a point to this or did you literally make a thread just to tell everyone that your computer can run Skyrim on high settings?





Not trying to Brag, I still cant run Oblivion on very high settings, I just wanted to know if anyone else had similar experiences in response to the complaints against Betchseda from the recent news article complaining about PC issues.


honestly my pc is not worth more than 500 dollars on the current market and i was pleasantly surprised that Bethseda put so much work into making the high quality graphics work on general machines

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