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Teeny Bops on Skyrim Nexus


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Its seems manners and common courtesy is going out of fashion really quickly. They certainly don't represent the majority of Nexus users. Thankfully the admin does an excellent job of removing these rotten apples, but they seem to multiply daily like parasites.


Kids nowadays... What I find the most appalling is the sense of self-entitlement. Parents are probably to blame. I may sound like an old fart and I'm not saying educating children is easy but from the look of it most of them are barely housebroken.


Of course the supposed anonymity that the internet confers make them think they can get away with pretty much anything.


I'm really grateful to the mods for their constant work keeping the peace on the Nexus.

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Thanks for starting this thread and pointing me to it.

As a mod author I don’t mind and actually look forward to the comments and suggestions. They let me know if I have made a mistake like leaving out a mesh or texture in packing a mod up for up load. I have at the suggestion of users made alterations to a mod (in FNV I made a house mod on a hill that you can walk up it was suggested to make a stair way to make it easier to get up the it came from a non modder but he was right and I did) this kind of constructive comment made the mod better and I even gave credit to that user for the idea.

It’s the comments from users or should I say non users the ones that don’t down load the mod but just blast if from the pic’s “it’s too clean” “I don’t like the color “ “this mod is stupid it doesn’t fit my game” these kind of comments are not constructive. First off I mod for myself first and chose to shear those mods. I don’t need some punk old or young to tell me that I doesn’t fit his game and there for the mod is crap. Fine move the “f” on. The rep system would be fine if the only one that could use it was the author and it actually removed the comment, it does not it only hides it and you have the option to show it so what good does it do. Right now the rep system is being abused good comments are being down rep’t by trolls I forget which mod but it was getting a lot of negative comments that had nothing to do with the quality of the mod and someone made the comment give the author a brake if you don’t like the mod move on that user ended with nine or ten negative rep’s.

The kind of comments that I believe Clintmich started this thread over (and I know Clintmich) have cost us one of the great texture/house modders and a modder that has always been willing to help anyone. He has been with the nexus for seven years with 71 mods over the games Oblivion, FO3, FNV and with only two post to Skyrim. He left a comment on one of my Skyrim mods (part of it a rebuttal to a troll) that he has seen the sites get ruder and rudder with each game showing little to no respect for the modders and the work we put in to our mods without even down loading them.

Bond123 has left the house

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Its seems manners and common courtesy is going out of fashion really quickly. They certainly don't represent the majority of Nexus users. Thankfully the admin does an excellent job of removing these rotten apples, but they seem to multiply daily like parasites.


Kids nowadays... What I find the most appalling is the sense of self-entitlement. Parents are probably to blame. I may sound like an old fart and I'm not saying educating children is easy but from the look of it most of them are barely housebroken.


Of course the supposed anonymity that the internet confers make them think they can get away with pretty much anything.


I'm really grateful to the mods for their constant work keeping the peace on the Nexus.


I think that most kids these days don't remember what it was like to wait 2 weeks just to get a mix tape from your friend of some new songs or waiting up all night to see your favorite show, spending 20 hours downloading a big file on dial up, making your own t-shirts because the stores around you didn't carry any of your favorite band. Today, you can just get on the internet and get it all within a few clicks. I used to covet my VHS collection like treasure.


Now it's all just game consoles, piracy and Justin Beiber.

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Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers.

Socrates(469 BC - 399 BC)


I am not defending the trolls and idiots coming to the forum but I am saying that demonizing the younger player and saying they are responsible is the wrong way to go.


We can't see who is behind the keyboard and I have personally known a person that was by all definition of the word adult, he was older then me, could talk well, was nice, helpful ... all around a nice guy, then I met him online and if I didn't know better I would have either called an exorcist or said he was a 5 year old playing "How much can I flame and insult before I get banned.".


It is a problem yes, but it was bound to happen with Skyrim being one of the big hits of this year. It drives hundreds of people to sites like this and quite a bunch of trolls and idiots, at some point they will go away again(or get banned) and the ones that are really interested in the game will stay, at the moment it seems so horrible because the ones that are flaming etc. are the most visible ones while the ones just looking for mods, browsing the forums and writing one or two comments are barely visible.

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Since the forum, and I believe the comment section is linked to the forum, is IPB (Invision Power Board) you could script the comment section to allow each and every mod author to moderate all comment threads associated with their mods. It would allow mod authors to clean up the comment section on their own without relying on moderators. However, in my humble opinion, authors should ofcourse not be able to ban users. But perhaps be able to deny a specific person to post in the comment section of a specific mod again?


Just my thoughts on the matter.

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Since the forum, and I believe the comment section is linked to the forum, is IPB (Invision Power Board) you could script the comment section to allow each and every mod author to moderate all comment threads associated with their mods. It would allow mod authors to clean up the comment section on their own without relying on moderators. However, in my humble opinion, authors should ofcourse not be able to ban users. But perhaps be able to deny a specific person to post in the comment section of a specific mod again?


Just my thoughts on the matter.


Then you'd have some people deleting all comments that aren't glowing rosy praise, or comments that aren't trolling or rude at all but are legitimate simple bug reports.

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That's just sad. :c


A possible work-around would be to sort the comments section. "comments", "requests", "bug reports" and "constructive criticism" (or somesuch) and apply a similar system used for the endrosements for the bug report and criticism. And only allow authors to moderate the comments section.

Also, when you have 500+ comments it would be easier to just check a bug report section for a possible solution rather than going through criticism, comments, endrosements, requests etc. :P


And. I don't know about others, but I wouldn't first download a file and then wait 1-3 hours (I know it's 1h "cd" to endorse now) just to troll a little.


Just some thoughts.

Edited by Lhamaria
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I can't wait for these trolls to be done with the game... I just saw a bunch of obnoxious little trolls teaming up against a new modder who took his mod down before I could hit the report button.


Bullies in the schoolyard, that's what they are. :rolleyes:


I don't know if it's any use now but the file ID was 4049.


This is probably the worst thing about it, that persons first mod may be their last, they may have gone on to great things and now everyone has lost out all because of a few arseholes.

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A possible work-around would be to sort the comments section. "comments", "requests", "bug reports" and "constructive criticism" (or somesuch) and apply a similar system used for the endrosements for the bug report and criticism.


I think that would be a great idea. But the only problem with multiple threads is that only a select few users would actually use them. There is already a "discussion" tab right beside the comments tab. This is where endorsement comments SHOULD go. But do they? Not a chance.

Maybe if the tab said "Endorsements" instead of "Discussion" more users would use it. Or maybe remove the comments tab altogether since its already included in the sub section of the discussion tab. Then within "discussion" it could branch off into different categories such as comments,endorsements,requests,bug reports,ect,ect.

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