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Teeny Bops on Skyrim Nexus


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Shantih, Good point! :thumbsup: But in your case, you have over 3000 posts and 69 kudos. Obviously you have been around for awhile. If I see an un-called for comment, I will usually check out the profile of the user that made the comment. It usually adds up like this:


Troll comment + unknown Age + 0 kudos + 13 posts = Troll/Teeny Bop


I know this is not the case ALL of the time, but it's damn accurate more times than not. Sometimes it's just a "New User" unaware of how the Nexus works.

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I can't wait for these trolls to be done with the game... I just saw a bunch of obnoxious little trolls teaming up against a new modder who took his mod down before I could hit the report button.


Bullies in the schoolyard, that's what they are. :rolleyes:


I don't know if it's any use now but the file ID was 4049.


This is probably the worst thing about it, that persons first mod may be their last, they may have gone on to great things and now everyone has lost out all because of a few arseholes.


Jeez... :facepalm:


Someone should find that guy and tell him not to give up (and disable comments on his next upload)!


(Pokes moderators...)

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@myrmaad: I know I'm not old yet, it's just that my age has caught up with me recently. A few years back I could easily pass as a 25 year old guy and I liked that. Now I'm getting those tiny wrinkles and some grey in my hair and anyone would say that I look 30. I'm not vain (well not that vain anyway) and maybe I'm just making a big deal out of a very silly thing and that may sound utterly ridiculous to most people but I like looking younger than my real age. So if I can look 30 for another decade I would be very happy. I guess I'm just a straight guy with a Dorian Gray complex. :happy:


Sorry for the off topic comment here.


But in your case, you have over 3000 posts and 69 kudos. Obviously you have been around for awhile. If I see an un-called for comment, I will usually check out the profile of the user that made the comment. It usually adds up like this:


Troll comment + unknown Age + 0 kudos + 13 posts = Troll/Teeny Bop


I know this is not the case ALL of the time, but it's damn accurate more times than not. Sometimes it's just a "New User" unaware of how the Nexus works.


That's a good suggestion and in most cases the number of kudos is probably a better indicator than the number of posts. I used to have a few hundred posts before I started spending some time commenting in the image share section where you can very quickly add many posts to your count if you start commenting on all the pictures that you like. :)


True there are new users who don't know how things work here since many forums have pretty loose rules and there is also the "bad day" factor when a person is simply having such a bad day irl and will react poorly to any comment. That happens.


Someone should find that guy and tell him not to give up (and disable comments on his next upload)!


I think that the modder in question has reuploaded his mod (I could be wrong but I think it's the same guy, I have a terrible memory when I'm simply browsing the mod database and not really paying attention).


If that's the same guy then he has earned my respect. At times I can be a very combative person but I don't think I would have come back if I had been in his shoes. I've sent him a PM to find out and make sure I'm not mistaken.

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Shantih: I hope thats true and the modder in question has reuploaded it. You never know what that mod author may produce in years to come. Its awful that this sort of thing occured. Some people unfortunately just don't think before they make nasty comments and trample all over a modders enthusiasm.


Regarding comment below: Very good to hear. :)

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I'm glad to post that my memory isn't that bad and the modder in question has indeed reuploaded his mod. I told him to report anyone who would give him a hard time and that I was glad to see that he had reuploaded his mod. After all the trolling I had witnessed on his first upload it was the least I could do.


I can't help but wonder how many first timers get discouraged by the attitude of some posters. Even if a mod is not "perfect" it's still an attempt to make something with the game. Besides we all had to start somewhere. My first mod wasn't so long ago that I've forgotten what it was like to struggle with modding tools and I know I will never be as good as some of the really good modders but it doesn't mean that once in a blue moon I can't come up with something cool and the same is true of any new modder out there.

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I'm glad to post that my memory isn't that bad and the modder in question has indeed reuploaded his mod. I told him to report anyone who would give him a hard time and that I was glad to see that he had reuploaded his mod. After all the trolling I had witnessed on his first upload it was the least I could do.


I can't help but wonder how many first timers get discouraged by the attitude of some posters. Even if a mod is not "perfect" it's still an attempt to make something with the game. Besides we all had to start somewhere. My first mod wasn't so long ago that I've forgotten what it was like to struggle with modding tools and I know I will never be as good as some of the really good modders but it doesn't mean that once in a blue moon I can't come up with something cool and the same is true of any new modder out there.


Yay! A happy ending. :happy:


Good stuff! :thumbsup:

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Age has nothing to do with maturity. I have seen 14 years old that were more mature than some 40 year olds on the forums. Maturity is a way of looking at the world that does not put you in the center of the universe at all times.


What we do see is a class of people who feel their own opinion is so important and so obviously right (to them) that they MUST insist on demanding that everyone else agree with them or feel their wrath. And anyone expressing any opinion counter to theirs is obviously a twit and should have no right to post at all. And these same people are the first to squawk that they are being discriminated against when someone else has a differing opinion that more people agree with.


Years ago we had a plexiglass belly button award for those. So they could see where they were going. :whistling:

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Does it seem like the troll wars are reaching a tipping point? People crying about ads, this bull- about longswords and Mr.Dave... Havn't seen it this bad in well... ever. Maybe it's better that Beth delayed the CK so that most of these people will have moved on before the real modding starts.
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Ok, I have just uploaded a new mod to Skyrim Nexus. I think I seem to have found somewhat of a deterrent for trolls. In my description I have included a section titled "Comments". In this section I provide the following guidelines:


Please leave a comment if:


You like the mod

You want to endorse the mod

You have a question about the mod

You are leaving a bug report

You have a constructive critique


DO NOT leave a comment if:


You don't like the mod

You think it's not lore friendly

It doesn't fit into your game

You think the textures are to clean

You are here to argue or verbally abuse other users or me!


If these guidelines are not followed, the Nexus moderation team will be contacted, and you will be dealt with accordingly. Thank You



This seems to be working so far. Feel free to copy and paste this into any mod you choose. I hope it works for you! :thumbsup:

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