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Missing chunk of land near Revere Satellite Array


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Hey there!

I don't get around the forums very often, but that's mainly because I've been able to tolerate most bugs that come my way in Bethesda titles. This time though... Well, I'm finding it kinda rough.


To cease my rambling, my issue is with a large square chunk of land that's disappeared just south of the Revere Satellite Array. In it's place is well... Nothing. There's water beneath it. And trees / bushes just floating in mid-air.

I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about describing it, though I could get a screenshot done if that's necessary?


Anywho, hopefully someone's got a touch of know-how on how to go about filling giant watery holes.

Or hey, if you just have the same issue, that'd be nice to hear... Or not... Is it a good thing to hope other people are

having the same issue? >_>


Thanks in advance, Kind Reader. o/

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There is a mod conflict.

I had something similar happen in a different area. A restoration mod conflicted with another. I have not spent the time tring to figure it out, but have an idea.


Post your mods, and maybe someone might have an idea.

Will do!


Load Order:









Armorsmith Extended.esp


Nuka World Bot Fixes.esp

The Rebel.esp






Scavenged NCR Armor.esp




Remington 1858.esp

T-51C Power Armor.esp



Binoculars - AWKCR.esp








Makeshift Anti Material Rifle.esp

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Verified! Just tested it... Unfortunately I'm still missing a big bit of hillock infront of my favorite Greenskin hangout. =/


And I'm extremely thankful that you took some time to see to me and my in-game landscaping issues, even without a fix. o7

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Open your entire load order in xEdit


Your looking for mods that have landscape edits, this kind of issue is normally caused by two or more mods which edit the same landscape.


I don't know a lot of your mods so I can't be more helpful but that's where I would start.


Edit: Question? Can you walk around and does the landscape reappear? If so then your looking for a mod that deleted or disabled an occluder! objects like building in FO4 have built in occlusions for game performance if one is removed by a mod the occlusion will remain unless the modder takes steps to fix the issue. So sure the object/building will be gone until the player gets into the cell where it would be occluding something and then you loose the ground and other objects.


if you want to see an example of this for yourself just use TCL and walk into any build. You will start to see the landscape and other objects flash in and out.

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Thanks for the replies.

( Was napping, sorry. >_< )


- Hmmm... I don't think any of my mods edit that area, but I'll try it with everything disabled just in case.


- And nope, I can walk around the perimeter of the missing chunk and it still won't re-appear sadly. It's just a giant black-hole that sucks up my immersion. :~:

[ Follow-up: I'm not sure where I'd find my load-order file. But I'll hunt around for it. o7 ]

[ Follow-up Follow-up: Love your work chuck. =p ]

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