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A REAL Colonial Radio Freedom - Fife and Drums


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When you hear "Minutemen", what do you think of? Colonial America... Right? I don't know if it's just the people who are obsessed with New Vegas or what, but there shouldn't be anything western about the Minutemen. Especially since Fallout 4 takes place in Boston, which has such an amazingly rich history from the Revolutionary period. As such, I was hoping that someone would be willing to make a track list for Radio Freedom that was just fifes (flutes) and drums. Even the pioneer type fiddle is legit in my opinion, so maybe alongside the existing music. But NO band stuff, no trumpets, no hymns, none of that. The real Minutemen were before all that! Look, If you've seen the movie The Patriot, that's what I'm talking about. The occasional fiddle, some fife, and some fife and drum.


An example would be The British Grenadiers


Please, for the love of I don't know, Talos, somebody make this happen. Thank you.

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I thought this was done already here http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17118/? There may have been some others but yes I'm in agreement that the minutemen should have that fife and drum feel. Though, for the love of Talos, don't insult New Vegas as there is something special about listening to Big Iron while I run around with a revolver lol.

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