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S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2 Cancelled


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If rockstar gets their little hands on it, it wont be a STALKER game, it will be a Grand Theft Auto: Post Nuclear Chernobyl.

That sounds... Pretty awesome, like, really.


It would bring the sandboxing that GSC always promised but never delivered (they constantly went going on wanting to make the game a single big map, but at most they made some large ones, or like on CoP, hatched everything and made 3 big maps).


I'd play that. Gladly. IF Rockstar gets around making RAGE engine perform properly. It looks very well for games of its scope (GTA IV, RDR) but, it could perform better, or at least look better (i dunno, some AA for example, SSAO, something) if perf doesnt improves.


That is not to say that xray engine was the best of the best. Yeah, GSC was pretty novel in some aspects of their graphical features (one of the first DX11 titles ever, tesselation on NPCs, volumetric lighting on the friggin SUN, plus other stuff like lamps, that volumetric smoke was really nicely done, and it seems that, unlike GSC, some devs forgot bout soft particles and soft borders for water *poinst finger at Beth* )


There is no other game that pulled out both volumetric smoke (this one looks cool but i'd be happy with just soft particles really, even CoD 4 has that one lol) and volumetric lighting that way. Not BF3, not Crysis 2, nothing. Pay attention and you'll see that most games fake volumetric lighting by placing clever "light" sprites on appropiate positions (wich is nice for screens, not so nice when you move around it or worse, there is dynamic day/night cycle).


Gladly BF3 for example makes those sprites fade when the player gets close to them (again, soft particle fx, one of various fundamental pillars of image quality), not like, say, Deus Ex HR, that you could clip with those mofos, ruining the effect entirely.


In Clear Sky, you could just drop some ammo boxes in front of a desk lamp (or on mornings) and see right there how the light reacted to them (the effect its pretty exaggerated, still, really cool to see), watching where light passed through and where it didnt.


Anyway, the thing is that the xray engine hardly used 2 cores lol. Both SoC and CS used only 1 core, 2 if doing that affinity trick (not using more power but distributing it a lil bit). And the A life thing was a huge effing script that got some game crushing bugs (faction wars were a VERY cool idea, but it didnt worked too well). And their constant recycling of content is... shameless.


So i'd say yeah. my body is ready for another take on STALKER series with different ideas and tech behind it. Whenever and wherever that comes from.

Edited by eltucu
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I guess, for me, it would depend on how much the game remained "true to form". That is, how close to the gloomy, creepy, downright scary atmosphere remained intact - as with the original. Were another studio able to obtain the IP / license and produce a new game with those key elements intact, along with the ability to mod, the franchise might still have a chance.


In the long run, though, the real problem may not be who develops it, but rather how to keep things "fresh" without straying into the realm of "been there, done that." :(

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Guys, it's not canceled!

The team will continue to work on the title and it will be released eventually!

"The Stalker team continues work on the project and hopefully everything will turn out well. Good Hunting Stalkers!" -Source


My favorite FPS series still lives! :wub:

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Iv000 -


Now that IS good news! :D


And in the meantime, we'll have the upcoming release of "STALKER Complete v2.0" to tide us over until the new game comes out. :happy:

Ahh... I feel the need to blow the dust off my survival gear and prepare to venture out into The Zone once more.


Time to... "Get out of here, Stalker." :laugh:

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You mispelled S.T.A.L.K.E.R. ._.


I have hope for gaming again! that amongst all the overhyped FPS games, a less well known but a in my opinion 100x better game still can survive <3

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I'm just really worried considering it's going to be multi-plat. Hell knows the PC needs more exclusives. :<

Like you can ever experience the REAL S.T.A.L.K.E.R. experience on consoles :S

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