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More houses


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I would like to be able to buy a house in small towns like Riverwood or Ivarstead, and in the holds that do not sell house like Falkreath. The houses should be about the same size as Breeze home with a fenced off area for your horse. I also am asking for a house/s that are in the middle of no where like on the planes of Tundra or in between Riften and Ivarstead, you buy the houses from The Jarls Steward closest to The house, which means when you ask to buy a house there are more than one option. This also goes for buying houses in Towns.
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You could always use the setownership command on a house/item to set it as owned by you... Be careful about doing it to a house that people live in though, you could kill them, but you would have to make sure they aren't needed for something later in a quest, but then you could just respawn them temporarily with player.placeatme "NPCid".
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Open the console (use the ` button [tilde button]), use the mouse to click on an object you would like to own and a reference number will pop up, then type setownership and press enter and that object is now yours. It works on houses, any item, beds, horses, I don't know about people, but on almost everything in the game if not everything in the game.
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Shame Skyrim isn't like Fable, Where you could buy ever house. For that matter it is a shame you cannot just kill the ruleing body of an hold and claim it and all the lands as your own and receive tax and build a better kingdom.


Great idea..I wish we could do that,too.the legendary Dragonborn who kills dragons without looking,drinks 500 bottles of Ale at the same time,walks around with 100000 gold in his pockets,and kills gods with iron arrows can't kill/defeat a Jarl. T_T

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