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Who is the Best Follower?


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I am in the early stages of the game only level 12 so far, but I am interested in opinions from those of you who have tested out a few of these followers, Which one do you think is best and why?


(This is for RP, I would like to have a faithful companion to see me through the game, one I am loyal to but I also want them to be good! or have some intersting dialog)


I like Lydia but she doesn't fit with my character and Onmund has many bugs and looks too whimpy, these are the only two tested so far.

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You could buy one at some of the local taverns for 500 gold, you could do the nightmare quest with Vaermina and let the dark elf live, there is a lot of different followers. For low level Faendal is the best, but higher up or on higher difficulties you'll want a tank like Uthgerd or Kharjo.
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I really like Onmond or whatever the nord mage apprentice name is. He is proficient in heavy armor, 1h weapons and pew pew lightning bolts forever.(not sure if thats because I gave him my old 100% destruction heavy armor or not). The only problem i have with him is he likes to box when he gets close to an enemy instead of using the awesome shiney 1h weapon I crafted for him. Other than that he usually stays and range and its fun to see him bolt a dragon flying over head.
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You could buy one at some of the local taverns for 500 gold, you could do the nightmare quest with Vaermina and let the dark elf live, there is a lot of different followers. For low level Faendal is the best, but higher up or on higher difficulties you'll want a tank like Uthgerd or Kharjo.



I make it a personal mission to hate anyone who talked about themselves in the third person.

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I really like Onmond or whatever the nord mage apprentice name is. He is proficient in heavy armor, 1h weapons and pew pew lightning bolts forever.(not sure if thats because I gave him my old 100% destruction heavy armor or not). The only problem i have with him is he likes to box when he gets close to an enemy instead of using the awesome shiney 1h weapon I crafted for him. Other than that he usually stays and range and its fun to see him bolt a dragon flying over head.


Just out of interest is there a way to tell what skills a follower is proficient in? like how do you know that Onmund has heavy armour skill? This would be REALLY useful to know their stats and proficiencies.

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J'Zargo. Why? Because he has the coolest name in the game. And lets face it, who doesn't want a fireball throwing cat who can wear heavy armour followind them around and speaking in the 3rd person?


I didn't know I could use him! he is very cool :)



Thanks for replies so far please keep them coming as would like personal experiences of using these followers, like are some more annoying than others, which ones kick ass, which ones are more stealthy etc, any with intersting stories or dialog? Or just name your favourite and say why.


Many Thanks as this will really help me work out my RP :)

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