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Who is the Best Follower?


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Farkas and Vilkas - they are basically immortal due to them being essential game npc's, and Farkas is an absolute tank at higher levels.


Dont see how they are immortal, I have completed the companion quest line and all the companions can die. A side note, not sure if its a bug, but Cicero is unkillable (finished DB questline) not sure if its a bug or not.

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J'Zargo. Why? Because he has the coolest name in the game. And lets face it, who doesn't want a fireball throwing cat who can wear heavy armour followind them around and speaking in the 3rd person?



Very true :D

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Aranea Ienith, a Dark Elf from Azura's Daedric Quest.

She's my companion to.

She's really good. Shoots lightning beams everywhere which does a ton of damage. When things get hectic she summons that flame woman thing ( can't remember name) and it helps a lot.

I bet she would be able to do dungeons alone without my help.

I'm playing on master by the way.

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I like Sylgja as a follower. :thumbsup:


I don't know if you can made her follower without using console commands, though her mom is a legal follower!


My current character is a Dunmer criminal, so Jenassa is a perfect fit for her.

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