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Recorder thinks I'm married... ?


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I take Recorder to the Temple of Mara, and follow the bouncing ball - she says we'll be together after the academy approves, and agrees to be my lover (?), and when I go back into conversation with her, trying to get her summon spell, she starts-off with, "You're married, right?"


Uh, no, I'm not... I wanted her teleport-to-me spell; I wanted her to be able to record the Alduin fight, and take her along through Clockwork. I tried the console commands and got a series of titles of code, but no ident for the spell or the spell tome so I can't addspell or additem.


This character is a level-60 I built; it irked me that travelling Skyrim, I'm finally at a level to do all the quests once the quests are all done. So I stooged-around, collected a lot of skill level-ups from experts (with unlimited-leveling mods) and didn't really do any of the main quests until I had dragonbone smithing, archery and sneak @ 100. At that point, I saved - and all my subsequent 'lives' start from there. I'm married to Serana (via a mod) in another save of this character, but that's in another iteration, well after the common save point; I'm not married in the iteration I'm doing with Recorder.


Any ideas?

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Solved - I guess... I used Priv / moveto player to call Recorder into Clockwork. For any who've not adventured with Recorder, I recommend; equip her with two dragonbone daggers of Paralyze, then sit-back and watch the fun!

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  • 1 month later...

O...kay - I figgered it out. A-MAZING sleuthing, part reading the description, part opening my eyes and looking. Here's how it works.


1) You talk to Recorder in the Temple of Mara in Riften, ask her what's on her mind. She wonders why you're still alone; there are three answers, and (I gather) if you answer the two of them that indicate you're still looking or interested, the quest continues.


2) Some time later (has to be at least 24 hours, but you DON'T have to stay at the temple of Mara; go about your game). In my case it was several days later and I talked to her in the middle of a quest somewhere, discovering her "About what we talked about earlier..." cue was up.


3. After you finish this cue sequence (I don't know if it's right then, or later; I never checked at the time), trade stuff with her - and there in her inventory, you'll find a shiny new spellbook of Summon Recorder!


GOSH she's fun to adventure with! I've equipped her with dragonscale armour and gauntlets; nearly twice the protection of Glass armour, more than my Nordic Carved, in fact; but I'm sticking with the Nordic Carved because it's fur-lined and insulated. Yeah she still complains about the cold... I armed her with two dragonbone daggers of paralyze and some one-hand gloves, and she's a buzz-saw; only sidekick I've found yet that I can let wade-into a crowd of baddies by herself, while I stand back and loot corpses... ;)

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Well, I'm glad you got it figured out quickly. I was just going to pop in and throw some suggestions at you to see if any would be helpful. Good luck, thanks for sharing for those who may need it!

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...


I married recorder in the outset of the game and we were married.

but i went to the temple of mara after many days

and went to the lets talk for bit and asked her "somthing you want to ask"

then she says "you are married right bla bla

Does this mean we are not married.

Help Me.

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