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The Blades Rebuilt


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This is a mod I'd love to work on, but since I have so many ideas of what to do when the CK is released, it would be best to throw it out there in case someone gets to it before I can.


After reaching the 3 recruits cap and having no sense of accomplishment in rebuilding the Blades, I have a feeling many interested in renovation mods will look at Sky Haven Temple and see what they can improve.


Some ideas on what to include:

* Adjust the Paarthurnax quest & dialogue parameters to allow the player to lie to Delphine and say Paarthurnax was killed. This is to keep noble players from killing a "good" NPC and avoid alienating the Grey Beards while still rebuilding the Blades.

Shouldn't be too hard. Setting the Paarthurnax quest stage to 100 and skipping 50 prevents the Grey Beards from responding to the PC in a negative manner while still allowing the Blades to be rebuilt. All that will probably be needed is the added "lie" dialogue option.


* Allow Sky Haven Temple to be renovated via upgrades from a vendor.

New areas will have to be added to accommodate a larger force. Maybe have the construction of new areas increase the recruitment cap? See below.


* Increase the recruitment limit cap from 3 to a reasonable number, preferably around 35 to accommodate all of the potential Blade recruits in the vanilla version of the game.

New areas of the Temple will have to be added and AI packages will have to be modified to avoid major slow downs. Having 35+ NPCs outside training in the small courtyard is just asking for trouble. Probably why Bethesda kept it to a minimum of three recruits in the first place.

Edited by Enter_77
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Yes,i mean once you kill paarturnax and recruit 3 people the only thing you can do is go and kill dragons with the

recruits.You should be able to upgrade sky haven temple like in overlord where you start with a vacant looking

building and then it will have more lighting and cleaner and cooler.You should also be able to make more areas

like a larger courtyard top left to the regular and living quarters to the blades recruits like in jorrvaskr,vikingy like.

Also a special room for you the dragonborn.also protecting it from thalmar attacks.

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  • 8 months later...
So did anyone ever work on this MOD? If not then for the "lie" option maybe also add a persuade option by telling the Old man that Parthanax (Can't spell) is serving his time for his crimes with a life sentace of servitude to Man kind or something like that.
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