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Interior cell item placement issue


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G'day everyone,

I created a nicely decorated player house interior cell which shows fine in GECK obviously. The problem is, in game it looks like this:


Any ideas what is causing this?

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Where is that? Did you disable/delete any vanilla objects to clear your location?


It's a bit hard to see what's going on from the screen but, my first guess would be an occlusion issue.


Try this,


Open you mod in the Ckit,

Go to the cell you edited

In the "Cell View" Window Right Click on the cell itself and selected Edit.

Check the Check Box for "No Pre Vis"

Click Ok and save your mod.


Test in Game, If it was an occlusion issue that should solve the problem if that's not it then post more screens and I'll see if i can see anything.

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The No Pre Vis box was checked from the start.

Here are the cell properties:



Copying all the things from it to another cell and relinking the door doesn't change anything. Also, there seems to be no collision on any of the objects, entering the cell causes you to go into slow freefall.

Edited by Quaz30
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Is this issue happening in a worldspace or an interior cell it looked like a worldspace from the screen.


Without the assets I'm not going to try in game but I did look at the mod in xEdit.


Try, navagating to the worldspace you edited,

Select it,

On the right you'll see "Record Flags" (compressed)

edit the record flags an add the "No Pre Vis" there.

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