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Interior cell item placement issue


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Have you checked the cell for Roombounds and Portals? Did you duplicate a vanilla interior to use as a starting point for your new one?


I so this may be a Roombound issue and they just need to be removed or re-adjusted to fit your new interior.


Hadn't thought of that because I was under the impression we were dealing with an exterior cell.


I would check but, again I don't have the assets so it's pointless to check such things with Red "!".

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I did.


Eh? Lord almighty, it should have worked. Dang. Did you try right-clicking the base record for one of your static objects, and clicked the option that clears precombined geometry for the cell, and then generate the new precombine 'n' previs?


Edit: Also, make sure that the "No Previs" checkbox for the cell is unticked.

Edited by FiftyTifty
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Welp, unchecking the No Pre Vis box and rebuilding the precombined geometry for the 2nd time resulted in this:



So, it definitely helped although not much. The material swaps are gone, that's why the walls and some objects are purple. Also, some of the objects are still in that cluster and not in their place.

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