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Followers Belted Tunic


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All that time I remove the clothes of my followers, instead of being naked, they wear this "Belted Tunic" that I hate. I don't know if it's because of some mod that I have installed or something else, but I wonder if it is possible to definitely remove that "Belted Tunic" of the game. I have used the console command "unequipitem ID 1" and then it disappears, but after the next load, my followers back to wear it if they are without other clothing. I use EFF and "My Home Is Your Home" related to followers. Does anyone know how to get this "Belted Tunic" game or make it not show up, or what's mod it is ?. I want my followers naked!!! :devil:

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Dude you are using two Conflicting Mods choose one, (EFF & My Home Is Your Home), I recommend EFF. Errm you you can dynamically set followers homes with both mods, so who knows what weird side effects your getting..... then open your MCM & check EFF Wardrobe Setting & you will get your wish.



Failure to Correctly set the Mod Configuration Menu for Extensible Follower Frameworks, thus resulting in clothed female form, IS YOUR FAULT! :ermm: since what you are looking for is default setting for EFF :wallbash:

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