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Replacing Dragonscale with Elven


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So, I downloaded Sumarius' Black Elven Armor mod, and it really suits myself and my dark elven assassin and wife. Though, I'm about to start making Dragonscale armor for the both of us, but I really don't like the visual changes. Would anyone please just make a mesh swap so that we can continue looking as awesome as we do?


Here's the mod for the black armors by the way; http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3121


One could go further, though, and make me even happier (whatever that'd be good for :P ). The elven helmets haven't really made any impression on me, and as we are assassins, hoods of some sort would probably look better. Although then it goes from just swapping meshes to swapping meshes and making a retexture of a good-looking hood to suit the rest.



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