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CC character looks different in-game


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So, I make my character and she looks very good, but when I go in-game her lips look thinner and she wears a angry expression, basically, it looks like the forehead is lower and the lips looks different than the one i picked, i run 1.1, i moved all my mods and they are not the problem. Any suggestions? I'll take some screenshots when I can


PS. Here are the before and after (that character it's not the final design xD)



http://i43.tinypic.com/35i6e61.jpg -> Before


http://i41.tinypic.com/5w5jd.jpg -> After

Edited by cherub3031
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The character creation screen portrait does render a little differently than the game portrait (though no where near as much as in Oblivion!) I just figured out how to compensate, like in your case just create fuller lips and choose different mouth options until the game version looks like what you're after.
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The character creation screen portrait does render a little differently than the game portrait (though no where near as much as in Oblivion!) I just figured out how to compensate, like in your case just create fuller lips and choose different mouth options until the game version looks like what you're after.


Thank you, I'll try it out then, I just updated to 1.3, the same problem but i'll try your suggestion, thank you so much for taking time and help

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Well, I tried your suggestion but...it doesn't seem to work, i picked fuller lips but she changes to a angry expression making the lips thinner and the brows angrier. SO annoying.


Oh em gee, so i was doing the quests to retrieve the golden claw, after i gave it to the clerk her expression changed back to normal. LOL.

Edited by cherub3031
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