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Tempering adds "Enchantments"


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Tempering and skilled craftsmanship should yield item that are better than their base counterparts.

More than just adding armor rating and increased damage, armor and weapons can be lighter, sharper, heavier, tougher, ergonomic..etc... In addition to the vanilla bonuses in damage and armor rating.


Each time something is "tempered" a bonus is added to it and further improves previous enhancements by a certain %. Some Enhancements cant be with eachother (ex. Weighted + Light).


(fyi. when i write swingspeed = attackspeed)

Off the top of my head:

:Weighted (+Weight, %Stagger resist for armor), (+Weight, ++Damage, -swingspeed for weapons)

:Light (-Weight on armor) (-Weight, +swing speed on weapons)

:Honed +Damage, %Light-armor penetration

:Hardened (+Armor-rating on Armor) (%Heavy-armor penetration on weapons)

:Ergonomic (+Movement speed(armor), %general stamina conservation)

:Load Bearing (+carry weight for armor)

:Padded %reduction to stagger, % reduction to fall damage, + small armor bonus

:Sharp +enemies bleed when hit.

:Jagged/serrated bleeds last longer

:Extra-layers +++armor-rating, ++Weight

:Better alloy (+%armor-rating %weight reduction), (+%damage, %weight reduction, +%armor penetration )


Extra: (:Anti-magic alloy (%magic resistance, %decreased magicka, +weight, -armor-rating for armor), (Damages target's magicka, armor penetration penalty)

These enhancements should be considered separate from "magical" enchantments.....


Random example of a combination of enhancements:

Superior Steel Mace

Weighted: +10 Weight +20 Damage -10% attackspeed

Honed: +7 damage , 10% light armor penetration

Hardened: 10% armor penetration

Better-alloy: +3% damage, 5% weight reduction, 5% armorpenetration


...That is all when it comes to my idea...I'm planning to learn the creation kit, but in the meantime imma just suggest it...



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So would you be able to choose which one you're using? How would you learn the "enchantments"? You could have each Smithing perk add an option, and maybe one or two Alchemy or Enchanting perks.


(btw its enhancements not enchantments, just like if I'd choose a Level 4 Trauma plate irl to improve my protection but it would be heavy

I want it to be separate from enchanting because it just involves a skilled craftsman not mage/magician)


I was thinking that it should be random since each time you'd temper an item you would place an enhancement on it.....


Hmm..or maybe you can choose to add an enhancement or improve an existing one.....no need to learn just a menu would pop-up and you'd choose to add or to improve an existing one.

Certain enhancements can be learned too like the "using better alloys enhancement", but that kind of enhancements occurs upon crafting not tempering. Yes, yes.... Some enhancements occur during crafting, others during tempering.....


During Crafting:

Better alloys : Equipment made is x% better (armor/damage wise) and is x% lighter.

During Tempering/Improving:

Hardened: Weapons gain +damage and % armor penetration against heavy-armor, Armor gains armor rating.

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