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Aela's Hunting Bow


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How do I get her to equip the better bow I gave her? Can there be a mod so a Hunting Bow stops spawning in her inventory?


I've tried the console, it does not seem to work. If you still recommend the console please be extremely specific as I might just be using it incorrectly.


Any help appreciated, thanks!

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if you click on the person and type "showinventory" you can see all the items with id this person have in their inventory.

then you can use removeitem ID to remove the item from the npc.

then use equipitem iD to give them the item.


I know that this works for a while, however, Aela tend to revert back to her old items sooner or later.

Edited by Wolves425
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For some reason I gave her an upgraded Nord Hero Bow with Absorb Life. She equips that all the time now, which is cool. I didn't do anything for it.


I do showinventory but it doesn't do anything. Just the crosshairs have to hover over her, correct? It will say Aela the Huntress under them.

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What i have read so far is that followers will not equip a bow that is better than the elven bow, they will also not equip an upgraded bow that of the type they already have. I am still trying to find out which bows they can equip since there aren't a lot of bows that are between the hunting bow and the elven bow.


If the nord hero bow works then i think we have a winner :) Time to mass produce them for my army of followers

Edited by leyasu
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Followers won't use the bow you give to them if :


-You gave them a 1handed/2handed weapon , they will have it equiped and when a long distance fight will start , they will switch to the crap bow ...

- If the bow Is to good , They don't like Elven bow and better bow , you have to use the Nord Bow you can find in tomb on squeletton for exemple ( it still do great dmg once upgrated ) .

- if you enchanted the Nord Bow this won't work .

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I used to have the same problem with Faendal, but not anymore, he currently uses an unmodified/unenchanted glass bow.

The problem stopped for me when I gave him a hunting bow, go figure...

Maybe now the game sees that he has a hunting bow in his inventory so the game does not feel the need to spawn a new hidden hunting bow in his hidden inventory, and Faendal noticed the better glass bow in his inventory so he prefers that.

But it could be that I'm just lucky though, I guess I will find out soon enough as it's about time to give him an ebony bow (fully upgraded this time).

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to get followers to use any item, even items worse than thier starting equipment like light armors for heavy armor wearers, simply


1. Remove all items that you have given them so thier inventory window is blank.

2. open the console and left click on them to bring up thier id code.

3. type "removeallitems player" without the quotes to force them to remove thier items and transfer them to you.

4. close console and talk to them to transfer items.


Be sure that you transfer all bows, weapons and armors in one go. The moment you close the trading window any armor pieces that are missing will be regenerated back to thier starting gear.


Also, should you ever need to remove thier bows for whatever reason, trade to them a temporary bow that is better than thier starting equipment to prevent them from regenerating thier starting bow.


Note that when you transfer anything they will again look like they are wearing thier default armors but that is just a visual bug, thier starting gear are not actually back in thier inventory.

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