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Fnis sexy moves and Female mannequins


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when installing female mannequins and entering my home for the first time i get a message keeps coming up saying only armour can be placed on mannequin and it keeps repeating, i have read that if you disable sexy moves this does not happen, which appears correct, but is there any way to correct this as iwould like to keep sexy moves

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This is what it says about mannequins on the FNIS Sexy Moves page:

  • NPC walk assignments temporarily off: You can temporarily switch off NPC walk assignments, when you otherwise get into conflict with custom females that have problems with the Sexy Move implementation. Like female mannequin mods that are base on Hearthfire or custom mannequin definition (Note: Sexy Mannequins and Mannequins Look Like You are based on standard mannequins and will not cause problems). But remember to switch this option off again when not necessary any more. FNIS Sexy Move will show you a recurring notification to remind you.

So I would try one of those two mods and see if it works out better for you. This is just my thought on that though, I haven't tried using mannequins yet to be honest. I do have all the FNIS mods though.

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