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Enchanting Does Not Work


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For some reason my enchanting no longer works. I have the option to go in and add what I want, what enchantment, what soul gem........however it doesnt give me the option to create it??!?! Has anyone else run into this problem? ( i tried multiple arcane enchanters with various different combinations....nothing ) Does anyone know of any mod that is messing this up? Attached file is picture of mods im running.
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  • 3 weeks later...

No one has any ideas?!?!?!?!


I have the same exact problem. Was searching the forums for an answer when I saw this. The problem only occurred when I was using a controller. When I disabled the controller I was able to craft with the keyboard.

Mods I'm running:

No more blocky faces

Glowing Ore Veins 300

Enhanced Blood Textures

Better Sorting

QD Inventory

Immersive Skyrim Thunder

Skyrim HD


I would guess all of these are most recent versions - I just installed them. I don't know if the enchanting was working previously because I never tried until after I installed all of these.

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Ok well apparently it was the controller. One of the mods I listed conflicts with the controller and the ability to enchant. So if your enchanting stops working and your using a controller UNPLUG YOUR CONTROLLER!!!! I know this is a pain in the ass but it is a temporary fix!
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  • 1 year later...

adstotz, on 28 Dec 2011 - 18:32, said:


'CLSimms', on 27 Dec 2011 - 12:44, said:

No one has any ideas?!?!?!?!

I have the same exact problem. Was searching the forums for an answer when I saw this. The problem only occurred when I was using a controller. When I disabled the controller I was able to craft with the keyboard.

Mods I'm running:

No more blocky faces

Glowing Ore Veins 300

Enhanced Blood Textures

Better Sorting

QD Inventory

Immersive Skyrim Thunder

Skyrim HD


I would guess all of these are most recent versions - I just installed them. I don't know if the enchanting was working previously because I never tried until after I installed all of these.

I think I figured it out. I cross-sectioned this list of mods with the list the OP provided, and found 2 in common, QD and Immersive Skyrim Thunder. I also have this problem, and the only 1 that I have installed of these 2 are QD. I am unable to test my theory at the moment, if someone is able to try at this moment, please do so, but if no one can in the next 2 and a half hours, I will see

Edit: Sources say yes, QD inventory is the source of the problem

Edited by dtdsora
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