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One-handed to Two-handed stance


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One thing I hate about the game, is that it generalizes everything that's two-handed into being HEAVY and SLOW.


If you had a light sword, chances are even though you COULD use it with one hand, you'd probably wield it with both.


You should be able to use any 1-handed weapon as a two-handed weapon, in which case it would use all the two-handed perks instead of the 1-handed perks, and the animations for the swings would be sped up a good amount. Perhaps having it like this:


1 handed sword equipped on your right hand makes you use it in 1-handed stance, while having it in the left hand makes you use it in 2-handed stance.

Each stance using its respective perks, and the two-handed stance having the animations sped up, or entirely new animations when someone makes some.


I don't want to have a heavy greatsword, but I also don't want to fence all game with lighter swords. With a mod like this, you could fence if you want to, or you could use both hands with the sword and gain the perks from two-handed weapons.


I hope someone makes this at some point.

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