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Random Unexplained Crashes


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Yesterday at this time I was playing the game without issue barring the occasional crash when I kill a humanoid. Today I could barely play the game as I was crashing every 5 minutes. I have added a single mod since yesterday (Blades Bikini) but otherwise changed nothing else. Here are 2 Papyrus logs and my load order/modlist.






Modlist/Load order


You will notice in the second log that I tried swapping the Unofficial Skyrim Patch and the Unofficial DLC Patches for USLEEP but it made no difference. If anyone can let me know what's wrong that would be much appreciated. Thanks


Edit: My setting in SKSE.ini is

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Your Load order speak volumes, what it shouting is "I don't use LOOT & I don't know what I'm doing." Also Swapping the Unofficial Patches in Playthru causes more problems than it fixes! Even Arthmoor recommends that you don't do it.


My Advise is to read every PINNED thread in Seven Skyrim Sub-Forums just to get some basic modding principles under your belt. Instead of {Use LOOT to sort your Load Order & are you using Crash Fixes?} Since you need to learn to Walk before you can Run.


If Reading not your thing Google 'Gopher' or 'Game Poets' for some Good YouTube Tutorials.

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Since your post I made use of LOOT and TES5Edit to clean the mods which LOOT recommended I clean. However, I still crashed in the same place as I was yesterday. I reverted back to the separate Unofficial Patches too and made sure to disable the Legendary Edition Patch.


Is this a problem with OBIS?


Edit: Tried using http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363 to clean a save file but to no avail. Also tried reloading an earlier save in a different area (Was in blackreach, earlier save was in Skyrim) but I still get crashes at random points.


Edit: http://pastebin.com/fd9UZ4f8 - New log after cleaning files, using LOOT reordering etc

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