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What is this? Should i remove it?


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Have what exactly? A dummy esp file? The specific esp file that your image shows?


The dummy esp files are necessary if you do not use MO's archive management feature. If you do use MO's archive management feature, you can deactivate but not delete the dummy esp files. You'll know which ones are dummies as they'll have an icon to the side. But you do have to switch to the archive tab and make sure those BSA files are activated otherwise you'll just be making it so that that particular mod won't work correctly.


Furthermore, some xEdit based patching scripts (i.e. DynDOLOD) require that the dummy plugins be active when they are ran. So unless you actually need to reduce plugin count, it may be best to not let MO manage archives and leave the dummy esp files activated.

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ok there are like 3 this one and brawl plugin so should i keep this one?



also there is hotrooper_armor_ecksaatra.esp its also a dummy should i keep that on or of the manage bsas is in

Edited by Luka25565
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