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Loads to save file but can't move


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Skyrim will load to my latest save but I can't move once its loaded. I can see grass swaying and flags swaying so its not like its frozen I just can't move like none of the inputs are working. Except the console will come up.


This happened after I tried to update a couple mods.



-Unofficial High Res Pack

-Climates of Tamriel

-Sky UI

-Quality World Map

-Static Mesh Improvement


Maybe I didn't update them correctly? I'm using NMM and just updated them and then removed the old one. I didn't do any research before hand and probably should have been more prudent. I'm thinking I'll just do a restore if I can't figure it out.


Any ideas off the top of your head?

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Do console commands work? Have you tried using no clipping?


Of the mods you list there only the static mesh and climate mods would cause this issue and even then they really shouldnt.


Can you share your whole load order? Make sure to use the spoiler tag for it.



insert text here remove end period [/spoiler.]

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I tried to restore to a few days ago didn't fix the issue.


Now there a different issue mods in NMM aren't activating. Not sure if I have to re download them? I'll try and figure this out.


Still same issue when I load up Skyrim. Doesn't matter what save I go in.


I don't know much about the console I typed hello in and it outputted something like not recognized.


I don't know an easy way to copy paste so I just uploaded a pic. Its also weird I don't see some of these mods now in NMM mods tab.



Edited by Jajao555
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type tcl in the console command and see if you can move if so move a short distance and then retype tcl into command and see if movement is restored.


may not work but i have found that sometimes screwing with mods somehow gets me stuck in things. also have you tried a new game?

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Dude thanks for the help.


I'm so retarded.


It was because I had my xbox controller plugged in. I thought it used to auto switch to keyboard because I always leave it plugged in.


I tried starting a new game and when it started going through the tutorial showing what buttons to use that's how I figured it out.


Still have to figure out why the mods aren't applying now.

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