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Specific plant in/around Whiterun huge and polygonal


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First post, tell me if I'm doing something wrong.


So, I'm pretty new to modding, and after watching a few videos and reading about the topic, I went on my first modding spree, downloading around 50 mods. I started a new game thinking everything was fine, until I got to the area around Whiterun, where a specific type of plant was huge and polygonal.


I first thought this had something to do with the ''Verdant'' mod (as it had also been causing my framerate to drop hard). I promptly disabled it and its 1k attachment, but after a minute I couldn't reinstall it. So I basically deleted it from my NMM and haven't downloaded it again. I jumped back in game, but it still was the same.


It's really bugging me, and I would like it to be gone from my game, as it is a bit of an eyesore.


Thanks for any replies


Edit: Picture




Edit 2: Load order and mods


00 Skyrim.esm
01 Update.esm
02 Dawnguard.esm
03 HearthFires.esm
04 Dragonborn.esm
05 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp [Version 3.0.6]
06 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm
07 ClimatesOfTamriel.esm
08 ApachiiHair.esm
09 HighResTexturePack01.esp
0A HighResTexturePack02.esp
0B HighResTexturePack03.esp
0C Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp [Version 1.2.0]
0D SkyUI.esp
0E dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
0F Skyrim Particle Patch for ENB - Flame Atronach Fix.esp
10 TrueStorms-CoT-WeatherPatch.esp
----> Delinquent MASTER: TrueStorms.esp
----> Delinquent MASTER: CoT-WeatherPatch.esp
11 TrueStorms.esp
12 CoT-WeatherPatch.esp
13 CoT-WeatherPatch_Snow-40.esp
14 CoT-WeatherPatch_NL3.esp
15 iHUD.esp
16 DeadlySpellImpacts.esp
17 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
18 Atlas Compass Tweaks.esp
19 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp
1A ELFX - Exteriors.esp
1B immersive roads.esp
1C 3DNPC.esp [Version 3.19]
1D Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp
1E Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp
1F Purity.esp
20 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp
21 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp
22 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp
23 CinematicFireFX.esp
24 SkyFalls + SkyMills.esp
25 Book Covers Skyrim.esp
26 RealisticWaterTwo.esp
27 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp
28 ELFX - Weathers.esp
29 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers - Brighter Nights.esp
2A Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp
2B CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp
2C TrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.esp
2D SMIM-Merged-All.esp
2E fallentreebridges.esp
2F Watercolor_for_ENB_RWT.esp
30 Atlas Legendary.esp
31 RaceMenu.esp
32 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
33 AMatterOfTime.esp [Version 2.00]
34 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
35 dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
36 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Brighter Dungeons.esp
37 Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp
38 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
39 DHuntress.esp
3A FlameAtronachArmor.esp
3B FullBootForKKSA.esp
3C KKFur.esp
3D KKSDGWeightSliderFix.esp
3E KKSDrBWeightFix.esp
3F PC Head Tracking - MCM.esp
40 PC Head Tracking - Patch.esp
41 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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